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The following evening came, just after the group had shared dinner together. They were talking and trying to get along, proving impossible for the Mills family.

"So, you two just decided to elope in Vegas" Arnold asked, showing he wasn't convinced by the pair.

"Yeah, pretty much. We went their for a get away and decided to just get married, spur the moment thing" Regina replied with a smile, glancing up at the blonde.

"You weren't even engaged? How embarrassing" Isabella said with slight shock, turning away from the pair.

The Mills family have an almost tradition  with getting married. Usually their would be a big engagement party to announce to the family; everyone had to be invited. They had done it for years, making it an unwritten rule in the Mills's. To have Regina break this, caused her parents more annoyance and anger.

"We were technically engaged for a day" Regina quickly but awkwardly said, knowing they'd be frustrated by that bit.

"A day?" Arnold questioned, prompting more to this.

"I proposed the day before just like I'd always planned to do on that trip" Emma replied, able to feel the tension in the brunettes hand.

"You already planned to propose, huh? How did you do it?" Arnold asked with a wide smirk, ready to catch them out.

"I took her out on a romantic date in a very expensive restaurant called Bisous el Câlin. I had them put it in a glass of champagne at the end of the dinner" Emma explained, smiling as if she was looking back on the memory.

Regina was a little taken back by how good of a lie that was, and how quick she thought of it. Maybe she did underestimate Emma. As her eyes turned back to her parents, she still saw the same sour face.

"It was very romantic how she got on her knee and gave a big speech in front of everyone" Regina added, squeezing the blondes hand beside her. Arnold just narrowed his brows at his daughter, proving he still does not believe any of this. Regina just frowned and locked eyes, easily able to read him. "Why don't you believe me"

"Because it doesn't seem right. You pretend to be a perfect couple when realistically you two could never truly work" Arnold replied, not daring to break eye contact with the brunette.

"And why is that exactly" Regina asked, ready to get some homophobic comment like usual.

"Because she's kind and sweet, cares about others rather than just herself" Arnold bluntly replied, making his point crystal clear.

"If I'm such a fucking horrible person, why do you come here every two years" Regina asked, annoyance bubbling through her tone.

"Because that's how this family works. Believe me, we wouldn't come here again if we didn't have to" Isabella shrugged her response, taking a sip of win like it's nothing.

"I wouldn't even invite you" Regina huffed, abruptly standing from her chair. "I'm going to the bathroom"

With that, Regina disappeared out the room. All eyes watched as she left, seeing the anger in her walk. When Emma looked back at the parents, she noticed them both observing her.

"I'm going to go check on her" Emma quickly said, standing from her place.

"She'll be fine, she's just being dramatic again" Isabella said with a sigh, rolling her eyes at her daughter's behaviour.

"I don't think she is" Emma replied, heading towards the door. As she got out, she saw a butler stood just opposite her. "Where did Regina go"

"Into the bathroom just down that hallway, ma'am" he replied, gesturing the way he meant.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

Emma headed down the hall and towards the bathroom, already preparing to knock. Just before she did, she heard Regina throwing up. That's the second time she'd heard this after they'd eaten; fourth time she'd heard the woman puke in general. Emma quickly knocked to catch her attention.

"Regina, ar-"

"I'm fine!" Regina snapped, instantly throwing up after.

"You're not, open the door" Emma ordered sternly, finally holding her ground against the woman.

"Fuck off" Regina huffed, her breathing heavier than usual. Emma just sighed and opened the door, knowing she will be in trouble but having to do it. "What the fuck are you do"

There Regina sat, clinging to the toilet with such exhaustion. The toilet was filled with sick and there was some on her left hand, mostly the first two fingers. She was pale and appeared weak, minus the anger of course. Emma already knew what was going on the first time; this just allowed her to say she knew.

"Did you get it all out" Emma asked, closing the door behind her.

"Get out!" Regina angrily demanded, growing more frustrated at the blonde staying.

"Did you get it all out or is there still more food in you" Emma repeated, ignoring the woman's outburst. Regina just dropped her eyes and gave a small nod, just about able to be seen. "Good, we can get you cleaned up then"

Emma walked over to the now confused brunette and helped her to her feet, holding her up in case she was weak. Regina shrugged her off as she walked to the sink, hating to rely on someone Emma turned the tap on and gestured for the brunettes left hand to go under the water. Regina rinsed her mouth out and washed her hand and face, removing any trances of her being sick. Once done, Emma turned the tap off and handed her a face towel.

"Thank you" Regina simply mumbled, feeling ashamed she was caught.

"It's ok" Emma replied, gesturing for her to dry her face. Regina wiped the water from her cheeks and her fingers, patting both to dry them. "Now, how long has this been going on"

"Doesn't matter"


"Years" Regina answered, dropping her head in fear.

"Okay. Let's just go upstairs and leave it for tonight, now isn't the time to talk. Tomorrow we are going to sit down and you are going to tell me everything about this, okay?" Emma softly said, placing her hand over the brunettes shoulder. Regina just stayed quiet, not wanting to promise a lie like this. "I'm not actually asking. Would you rather I go down the hall to tell your parents and have them deal with it?"

"They won't care" Regina cut in, looking up with the saddest face she'd ever shown anyone. "They knew the first time and they never cared"

"Well, I care"


"Because I know how it feels to go through something awful with no one to help or even talk to"

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