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About an hour or so later, Regina and Emma were still stuck at Javier's party. Despite the snap, Emma kept her promise and didn't leave Regina's side. The pair were lingering by the pool, talking as if they were actually having a good time; they kind of were together. Regina was laughing at everything said and Emma was making funny comments about some of the guests.

"That one is Javier's creepy uncle. He use to look me up and down and tell me I had a lovely figure" Regina said, leaning close to make sure she definitely wasn't heard.

"I mean, he's not wrong" Emma replied with a little smirk, glancing down at the body very close to her.

"I saw that" Regina chuckled, edging herself just a little closer.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Emma sarcastically replied, giggling as she looked away.

Regina turned the blondes head back towards her, crashing their lips together in the process. Partly because she noticed her parents looking over but, also, due to how cute Emma looked; Regina simply couldn't control herself. The pair held each other closer, forgetting any sort of argument they previously had that day. It only last a few seconds due to the loud noise around them. As Regina pulled away, she kept her face very close to Emma's. They way they looked at each other was as if this was their first ever kiss. The amount of desire and love in their eyes was overpowering.

"Don't look at me like that" Regina whispered, moving her hands into the blonde locks.

"Like what" Emma asked, somehow move her face even closer.

"Like you want me" Regina replied breathlessly, forgetting anyone was around them.

"I never said I didn't" Emma whispered back, closing the gap between their lips.

Regina felt like she should have moved away and stopped the blonde but no power on earth could do that. She pulled Emma as close as she could and held her face their, refusing to let it go. When the sound of a guy howling like a wolf was heard, they pair finally broke their second kiss. Despite the loud music, frat boy energy and posh women giggling, Emma and Regina felt as if they were on their own; both just staring into the others eyes.

"You really do know how to make a woman go whoa" Regina breathed out, feeling as though air was a stranger to her lungs.

Emma chuckled at the comment, leaning back to take a drink. Regina done the same, finishing the last of her wine. Usually she'd drink cocktails but it was Javier's friend making them and she wasn't brave enough for that. She turned towards Emma, seeing the green eyes just staring with desire.

"Do you want another dr-"

"REGINA!" Javier shouted, tackling the brunette straight into the pool.

Regina screamed in shock, soon being muffled by the sound of a loud splash. She was already annoyed by the motion before her head made it out the water. She huffed and caught her breath, slapping the water off her face. Javier popped his head up, laughing hysterically along with his friend by the side of the pool.

"For fuck sake, Javier, that wasn't funny" Regina snapped, splashing water in frustration.

"Oh, come on, Regina, it's just a bit of fun" Javier chuckled, smirking as he stepped a little closer.

"No, it's not, you dick" Regina growled back, beginning to walk towards the side. Javier went under the water and swam towards the brunette. His head went between her legs before he stood up, lifting the brunette out the water in the process. "What the fuck are you doing"

"I thought you liked me in this position" Javier laughed, placing his hands very high up the brunettes thighs.

Regina's whole body tenses up at the feeling, her face showing nothing but fear. Emma quickly tossed her drink to the side and leaped into the water, splashing the pair. As she came up to the top, she knocked Javier's foot. He slipped and dropped into the water, obviously brining Regina down with him. The brunette wiggled out his grip and brought her head out the water, instantly gasping for breath. When she saw Emma, she hurried into the woman's arms. The blonde held her close and turned them slightly away, making sure Javier can't get to Regina.

"You ok" Emma quickly asked, hearing as the man came out the water. Regina shook her head quickly before lowering it, hiding the fear she felt. "Come on, let's go home"

"Don't leave just yet, we were having fun" Javier insisted, blocking the pairs way.

"I don't really think Regina looks like she's having fun" Emma calmly but sternly replied, waiting for the man to move.

"I've known her longer; she just always looks like that" Javier chuckled, gesturing to the brunettes sour face.

"I mean, you grabbing her thighs and always touching her is bound to upset her. Even if it doesn't, she's still my wife and I don't really like it" Emma simply said, starting to grow a little annoyed. With that, Emma brushed past the man and headed towards the edge of the pool. She allowed Regina to quickly get out first before following behind.  "Should we get your parents"

"Nope! Let's go" Regina quickly said, scoffing at such an idea.

Emma chuckled as she followed the brunette, both heading towards the back door. Regina couldn't be bothered to get dressed nor did she want to get undressed in this house. They left out the front door. As Regina stepped down three steps, she paused in her tracks.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something" Emma asked, almost bumping into her.

"Actually, yes" Regina replied, turning quickly to see the blonde. In the same second, she stepped up and pulled Emma into a kiss. The blonde was taken back by the motion. She still proceeded to enjoy the kiss and allow it to happen. Before Regina could deepen it, she decided to break it instead. This meant their eyes could lock once again, showing the nervousness felt by the brunette. "Thank you... No one has ever stood up for me like that"

"You don't need to say thank you, it's okay" Emma replied, a small smile to dhow she liked the gesture. Regina just stared into her eyes, having nothing but love in herself. She wasn't lying. No one had ever stood up for her about anything, let alone something this big to her. Emma have a nervous little giggle at the look she was being given. "What is it"

"You said you liked me earlier..." Regina started, subconsciously resting her head against the blondes. She sucked in a large breath, building up all her nerve for this. "I really like you too"

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