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Regina was slipping back into her heels, using the side of the air hockey table to keep her standing. She then glanced up at Emma, seeing as she was buttoning her shirt. She didn't bother speaking, choosing to finish fixing her hair. The door then knocked.

"Come" Regina demanded, already knowing it's her assistant; she'd buzzed for her a minute ago.

"You called for me, ma'am" Bernadette questioned, entering the room when called. She then noticed the pair still getting dressed, easily putting the pieces together. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"It's fine, shut up apologizing. Have someone come wipe this machine down because her ass print is still on it. I'm heading to my office so I don't want to be disturbed by anyone, especially my parents. While I'm gone, keep Emma in my room and away from everyone" Regina strictly said, already on her way towards the door.

Without another word, Regina had disappeared out of the room. Emma just stood in shock. The way the brunette hadn't said a single word to her about any of it or even really looked at her. She glanced over at Bernadette, seeing her quickly noting down what her boss had just said.

"Umm... Should I be worried that she didn't say anything" Emma asked, still trying to adjust her clothes.

"The fact Regina sleeps with anyone she wants, whenever she wants, I'm going to go with yes" Bernadette replied with a chuckle, knowing she answer was obvious. "Well, unless you are looking for just a hookup with her"

"I'm not usually a hookup person" Emma awkwardly replied, feeling as though she had done something wrong.

"If you want my advice, don't fall for her charm or looks. Regina can be a manipulator, a good one at that. One minute she'll be sweet and give you compliments, make you feel special to her. The next she'll be harsh like usual, maybe even worse. I've seen as she breaks innocent hearts, one after the other, with no remorse or care" Bernadette warned, her face and tone showing she was trying to help.

"I'm not stupid enough to fall for Regina's shit" Emma weakly chuckled, crouching down to tie her laces.

"Judging by your ass print here, I think you already did" Bernadette replied, giving a smirk as she gestured to the machine.

"No, I just- I don't know. She kissed me and it was hard not to kiss her back" Emma sighed, knowing she gave into the strong temptation.

"Was she being nice"

"Yeah, she was actually"

"See where I'm going with this?" Bernadette questioned, chuckling a little at the blondes cluelessness. Emma sighed as the realisation had finally hit her. "Just be careful, Swan"

"I need to talk to her. Can you take me to her office, I can't remember where it is" Emma asked, feeling as though it was a necessity now.

"I'm afraid not, I'm sorry. No one is allowed in there without her permission, even in an emergency" Bernadette replied quickly, knowing the first and last time she ever let someone in without permission.

"What does she even do in there? She doesn't work so why need an office" Emma questioned with a slight huff, annoyed she wasn't allowed.

"None of us know. She usually goes in about 2 in the afternoon and doesn't come out until 6 or 7 at night. With you and her parents here, she's only been spending an hour or so. We don't know what she does but she comes out exhausted every time" Bernadette answered, shrugging a little as she has always wondered.

Emma was curious at what the woman could be so secretive about. Out of everything to find out, this wasn't at the top of Emma's list. She decided to shrug it off and follow Bernadette out the arcade room. The pair headed up the stairs and to Regina's room, as instructed by the lady of the house. On the way, they saw Arnold and Isabella.

"Shit" Emma whispered, both growing scared at the eye contact made.

"Emma, dear" Isabella said, a half smile as she approached the pair.

"Hi, Sir and Ma'am" Emma politely said, giving a respectful nod as she always does.

"Where is Regina" Arnold asked, noticing his daughters absent.

"She's in her office, sir, and requested to be left alone" Bernadette replied, her formal stance and tone in place.

"Well then, Miss Swan, would you come join us for a coffee and talk" Isabella asked, her fake smile becoming unsettling.

"I would love to but I have some errands to run so if you'd excuse me" Emma awkwardly replied, gesturing for her to get by.

"You can't spare a few minutes" Arnold bluntly questioned, looking offended that he got a no.

"I wish I could, I'm very sorry. I should be done about the same time as Regina so we can all have a chat then, if that's ok" Emma suggested, knowing anything was better than now.

Isabella and Arnold both looked at each other for an answer. As their eyes switch to Emma's, they both nodded to agree. Hiding her relief, Emma smiled and slipped through the thin gap between the couple; Bernadette kept close behind. The pair hurried to Regina's room, worried they'd get stopped by the Mills parents again.

"God, that was close. Nice thinking on the stop" Bernadette sighed in relief, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks but I still have to deal with all that later. When Regina is done, could you, please, tell her about this" Emma asked, showing the assistant a form of kindness that Regina never did.

"Of course"

"Right, I'm going to shower and then just sit here again. Don't really have much else I can do, right?" Emma questioned, knowing she's being made to stay in the room.

"Yeah, Regina wants you to stay in here; It's her way of making sure you don't have to deal with her parents" Bernadette replied, chuckling a little as it kind of failed.

"Thank you... Not just for that but for the little talk" Emma softly said, giving a smile to show she was sincere.

"It's ok. I know Regina better than she knows herself; if you need a chat, just let me know"

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