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It's been over a month since Emma and Regina last saw each other. It had been one of the hardest months for both of them. Having said that, Emma still managed to make it as deputy sheriff. She decided to use work as a distraction from everything that was going on. Which brings us to today. Emma was sat at her desk, filling out paperwork on the last few arrests.

"Ma'am, you can't just walk in there" an officer said, appearing just outside the blondes office. With that, the door flew open. Emma stood up in shock at unnecessary action. Little did she know that the person who did it would cause even more shock. There stood Regina Mills, staring with a mix of desperation and anger. "I tried to stop her, Sheriff, but she just came barging in"

"Umm... No, it's fine. Go on back to work; I'll handle this" Emma nervously insisted, not daring to move her eyes from the brunettes.

"Of course, Sheriff" the officer replied, giving a respectful nod as he left.

"How did you know... How did you even find me" Emma asked, the shock pulling her jaw down. 

"Oh please, I run this town. You think you can become the deputy sheriff and I wouldn't find out" Regina scoffed, kicking the door shut as she struts towards the desk.

"And why are you here" Emma asked nervously, starting to overthink everything now.

"Don't you think it's obvious" Regina sighed in annoyance, looking as if it was. "This whole month has been awful for both of us"

"How do you know-"

"I know everything, I run this town!"

"Right, sorry" Emma mumbled, dropping her head towards the desk. "Yeah, it's been shit but we knew it wouldn't exactly be good"

"Swan, look at me" Regina softly requested, leaning against the desk. Emma just kept her stare down, trying to build the strength to see the woman. "I said look at me!"

"What" Emma growled, her head snapping up towards the woman.

Regina just stared at her. She was a little taken back but also expected that. Both sets of eyes gazed into the other, feeling the tears want to come. Neither knew if it was due to limited blinking or the fact they were finally seeing each other again. Emma, without breaking eye contact, walked around the desk. She basically ran into the other woman's arms, embracing her in a tight hug. They both clung to each other, easily aware of how much they had craved this.

"I missed you so much, my darling" Regina whispered, her hands clinging to the blonde hair and her back.

"I missed you too" Emma sighed quietly, fearing how content she felt. As desperate as they were to kiss, neither could bring themselves to leave this hug. They knew if they broke it, even for a second, it was over. Emma felt as her heart ached in this moment, craving something too far out of her reach. "We can't keep doing this, it hurts too much"

"I know... That's why I'm here" Regina replied, taking relaxing breaths against the blonde's neck.

"What" Emma asked, now finally breaking the hug to see the woman.

"It hurts too much to be apart from you. I love you more than anything, anyone, in this world" Regina softly admits, reaching out to hold the blonde's hand. "And I know you feel the same"

"It doesn't matter, we don't work" Emma sighed, stepping back to break all contact of their bodies.

"Maybe we do and we were just doing it wrong" Regina suggested, knowing her words are correct. "I learnt a lot about myself and how I am in a relationship... I know I'm a fixer upper but, if you just trust me, we can do it"

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