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Emma watched as Regina left, seeing the worried look on her face. As she turned back to the Mills parents, she saw their smirks and instantly regretted her decision.

"So, Emma, please enlighten us on how you and our daughter met" Isabella asked, a wide grin and harsh eyes to intimidate the truth.

"It was in a shop, Tiffany's actually. I was getting ready to check out when I looked up and saw her, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She smiled at me and carried on shopping like nothing happened. Just before I left, she tapped my shoulder and introduced herself" Emma replied, using what she wished was their true meeting story.

"So, she just asked you out" Arnold asked, a little convinced by the performance.

"I actually asked her out first. We went to a cute little restaurant that Regina chose and then went for a few drinks after" Emma answered in a confident voice, giving a smile as if she was remembering back.

Both Isabella and Arnold looked at each other, questioning whether they believe the story. They'd had their doubts from the minute Regina announced the marriage. Emma was nervous but she wouldn't dare let that get in the way of her big check at the end of this. As the couple looked back at her, Emma kept a brave face and remained silent.

"You can go, you know" Arnold simply said, showing no expression across his face.

"I'm sorry?" Emma questioned, frowning a little in confusion.

"You can go, live a normal life without Regina" Arnold added, merely glancing at his wife for back up.

"She's a mess, a big confused mess with no understanding of the real world. You may think you love her but thats not possible" Isabella added in a harsh tone, too harsh for someone refering to their daughter.

"Why? Because we are both women" Emma questioned, easily aware of the woman's thoughts on same sex marriage.

"Yes, there's that but I was actually refering to Regina. It isn't possible to love her, she's a cruel and heartless woman who cares only for her self" Isabella sighed her response, rolling her eyes at the thought.

"No, she's not. Look, I know everyone thinks she's this awful bitch lady but deep down her heart is kind. Regina has been brought up to hate everything and look down on anyone because she is top dog, to be cruel to anyone" Emma said with slight annoyance in her voice, not liking the way a mother spoke about her daughter. Both Arnold and Isabella looked shocked, neither expecting to be stood up to or be insulted on their parenting. "Behind the doors, behind the walls, Regina is a good person... She's just too scared to let anyone see it"

"And you would you want to put up with that? You don't seem the type, your too nice" Arnold questioned with a scoff at the woman, not truly believing this.

"I see the good in people even when they don't see it in themselves" Emma simply answered, standing from the sofa. "I'm going to check on Regina" the blonde headed towards the door with a small smile of victory on her face. Just as she opened it, she glanced over her shoulder with a smirk. "Oh, also, she's really good in bed"

Both parents eyes doubled in size at the words, neither believing they were said. Emma chuckled a left, knowing they deserved that. As she closed the door, she saw Regina stood there with an almost surprised face. There was only a slight amount of vulnerability showing but that was still more than she'd let out in years.

"Did you mean that?" Regina asked quietly, struggling to get the words out. Emma frowned a little. Not at the question, at the tone. She'd never heard something so shaky from the other woman. Regina cleared her throat quickly as she glanced away, soon locking eyes again. "Did you mean it when you said you think I'm a good person"

"Of course I did. I think, very deep down, you have a kind side to you... A side your parents drummed out" Emma replied with a soft smile, knowing this warmed the woman's heart.

"Thank you" Regina simply said, her tone almost a whisper as she did. It was in that moment that Regina realized she let too much show, quickly looking away to mask her face. When she looked back up, it was the harsh glare she usually had. A smirk creeped up as she checked the blonde out, turning to walk away. "That was a nice finish by the way"

"Are we not going back into your parents" Emma questioned, glancing at the door they were walking away from.

"Nope, we are heading out early. The butler is going to tell them we are doing it in the limo because I was turned on by your little speech" Regina said with an evil laugh, proud of her little plan. "I'm just sad I can't see their faces when they hear it"

"You are twisted, you know that" Emma said a little shocked, unsure what was going on in the brunettes mind.

"Very, and I'm proud of it" Regina laughed, strutting out the large double door exit.

Emma just rolled her eyes as she followed the woman out. Just before Regina could get into the limo, Emma quickly grabbed her arm to stop her. Regina snapped her head round with a destructive frown, confused as to why this happened.

"I did truly mean what I said, you don't have to be scared by it" Emma softly said, being quieter to avoid the butlers hearing.

"I'm not scared of anything" Regina huffed, pulling her arm from the woman's grip.

"From what I've seen, you're scared of a lot of things" Emma simply replied, catching the brunette off guard.

"You've known me 5 days, you don't know anything about me" Regina defensively said, climbing into the limo to avoid eye contact.

"I'm trying to be nice and stick up for you" Emma sighed, following the brunette into the long car.

"Well, maybe you should learn to care more about yourself than other people!"

"Why? So I can be like you"

"So you aren't weak!" Regina snapped, revealing her own feelings without even realizing; Emma did though.

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