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Regina and Emma were sat in the conference room, planning out their wedding. As everyone guessed, they couldn't agree on anything. If one of them wanted something, the other didn't.

"Outdoors would be so nice" Emma suggested, digging through the photos to find her example.

"Oh god, no" Regina hurried to reply, turning her nose up at the thought.

"What's wrong with outside" Emma asked, frowning at the reaction.

"My dear, the list is endless. Outside weddings are tacky and dirty" Regina spat, showing how disgusted she was from that suggestion. "If I'm wearing a nice white dress, I'm not getting married outside"

"Don't you think you're being a little dramatic" Emma questioned, rolling her eyes at the woman.

"No, I don't" Regina cut in, her serious face proving her own words.

"I feel like I should have expected that answer" Emma sighed, knowing her fiancé well enough. "Right... So, outside is a no go, I guess"

"Having it inside, we could have a live orchestra" Regina said, showing slight excitement at the thought.

"A what" Emma asked, a baffled look upon her face.

"An orchestra. It's an instrumental ensemble" Regina replied, gesturing to an image of what she meant.

"That at a wedding just comes across as 'we are snobby and have lots of money', you know" Emma awkwardly said, studying the picture in front of her.

"We do have lots of money" Regina cut in,  frowning a little in confusion.

"No, you have lots of money; I don't" Emma fired back, feeling a little more annoyed by that comment.

"It's our money"

"It's not, it's yours. I used to make my money and now I live off yours!"

"Is that what this is about" Regina asked, a surprised laugh at the woman. When Emma didn't respond, she realized her own words were true. Regina frowned a little, leaned forward and relaxed her tone. "This is about money?"

"No, it's not... It's just" Emma hesitated, stumbling on her own words. It took her a few minutes to prepare and build up the strength to admit what she was feeling. "I'm still not used to living a life of luxury. I was brought up to work my ass off for hardly anything and now I'm getting this expensive wedding for nothing. I just don't want it to be too rich and fancy, that's all"

"My darling, why did you not talk to me about this before. My money is just as much mine as it is yours. And, heck, if it makes you feel better, you still have all the money you made working for me" Regina replied, trying to sound enthusiastic but not truly getting the point.

"You don't understand... We were raised too different, that's all" Emma softly sighed, standing from her place to leave the room.

"What do you mean? I'm trying to help and you are walking away" Regina huffed, chasing after the blonde.

"It doesn't matter, Regina" Emma quickly said, too emotionally exhausted for this. "Just do whatever you want for the wedding, I don't mind"

"No, Swan, don't just walk away in a sulk when I'm trying to work around your problem" Regina snapped, catching the blonde's arm to stop her.

"Work around my problem? Whoa, nice" Emma simply sighed, rolling her eyes at the woman's choice of words.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. Don't be so dramatic" Regina grumbled, frowning at the reaction.

"Look, I just want something simple. We don't need to get married in a huge venue with an orche-somthing... If you don't want that, then that's fine. Just don't include me in the planning because it's too much for me" Emma explained, her tone proving to be very grumpy.

"So, because I want something nice and fancy, I have to plan our wedding on my own?" Regina questioned, a shocked laugh spitting out. "I thought the plan was to compromise on everything"

"How can we compromise when you don't like any of my ideas" Emma huffed her question, raising her tone a little.

"This is a waste of time!" Regina snapped, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Go and have your little sulk! I don't want your opinion on this anymore"

"Didn't seem like you wanted it before hand" Emma mumbled, turning to walk away.

"I heard that! Don't you dare, Miss Swan, I wanted this to have your input just as much as mine" Regina quickly said, feeling offended by the woman.

"No, you didn't! This was always going to be your decision. You think I can't see what you are doing? You have already planned everything, you just need me to say yes" Emma snapped, spinning on her heels to face the woman.

"I didn't plan a single detail without you! I wanted to have half of you in this wedding! I wanted your style, your input, your opinion on everything!" Regina defended, showing she wasn't impressed by the comment.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it! Every idea I suggest, you say no"

"And every idea I suggest, you say no"

"Clearly, this isn't going to work then" Emma huffed, throwing her arms up in defeat.

"Then maybe we shouldn't get married!" Regina snapped, too angry to take in her own words.

Emma just stopped for a second, processing what was said. In the time it took her to grow hurt and upset by this, Regina realized what just left her mouth. She looked shocked at herself, having been too frustrated to even think before she spoke. Emma just shook her head, dropped it and turned away from the woman.

"Nice one, Gina" was all Emma could say, beginning to walk away.



Regina knew that if she followed, she'd make it all worse. But to stay there and watch her walk away was unbearably painful. Emma headed straight down the main set of stairs, towards the front door and straight into a car.

"Where to, Miss" the driver asked, not expecting either of the two women for a while.

"Just start driving and I'll figure it out" Emma softly sighed, showing, not only the pain, but the exhaust she felt.

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