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As the double doors opened, in walked two very rich and powerful people, strutting with all the wealth they carried. The man was muscular and well groomed, the woman was a beauty but unhealthily skinny; they were both very tall. They went by Mr Arnold Mills and Mrs Isabella Mills. Their walk was fast and powerful, holding all their pride. Each stopped about half way between the door and their daughter, looking upon her with a woman in her arms. Isabella turned her nose up at Emma, instantly judging her. Arnold, however, glared at his daughter for the decision she made.

"Mother, Father" Regina said with a half smile, nodding her head to the pair.

"Regina, pleasure as always" Arnold said, his tone proving opposite to his statement.

"And what is that in your arms" Isabella asked, unable to take her disgusted eyes from the blonde.

"My wife" Regina simply replied, allowing her attempt of a smile to disappear. Both Arnold and Isabella looked at their daughter in half disgust, half shock that she'd come up with such a thing. Regina glanced up at Emma with a slight smile, squeezing her arm a little. "This is Emma"

"When you told us you were married, I expected a man" Arnold said with a puzzled look, judging the blonde woman by his daughter.

"I'm a lesbian, why would it be a man" Regina asked with a slight laugh of amusement at such a comment.

"Oh, Regina, I would have thought you'd grown out of this ridiculous nonsense" Isabella said with a dramatic sigh, rubbing her head to relieve her stress already.

"If this is your way of hurting us, you have very well succeeded" Harold added, his face only holding disappointment for her.

"I tell you I'm married and you think it's to hurt you" Regina quickly questioned, slipping out of Emma's arms to step forward.

"To a woman though, Regina. Honestly, how could you do such a thing to our family. I don't know what's worse, our daughter being married to a woman or our daughter divorcing a woman" Isabella questioned her husband, picturing such a scene in her head.

"You're really comparing divorce to me being married to a woman" Regina asked in shock, knowing how strongly her family forbade divorce.

"We shall talk more about this later, I need to freshen up" Isabella shrugged off, walking towards the gran set of stairs.

"Of course. Butler, show them to their room" Regina demanded, clicking her fingers towards the man by the door.

"Yes, ma'am" the butler replied, hurrying over to lead the way.

"Wait" Arnold quickly said, looking back over at the couple. He locked his eyes on Emma, frowning a little as he walked towards her. "Aren't you going to speak"

"She's just a little shy" Regina quickly said, tightly gripping the back of the blondes clothes.

"Did I ask you, Regina? No, I asked your... I asked her" Arnold sternly said, choking on the word wife. Regina lowered her head in shame, too scared to accidentally look into his eyes. Arnold stepped even closer to Emma, simply looking disgusted at her. "What is your full name"

"Emma Swan-Mills" Emma nervously replied, almost forgetting to add the brunettes surname on.

"Swan? I don't recognize it. Is your family rich" Arnold asked with a curious face, looking the young blonde up and down.

"Yes, sir, but my family run companies around the world rather than here" Emma replied quickly, worried her lie would back fire on her.

"Well, you don't look rich. You seem to stand as though you don't usually dress like this, like you are out of place here" Arnold said with a small smile, showing he was trying to figure everything out.

"I'm just nervous to meet the in laws" Emma awkwardly replied, her worry growing in case she said something wrong.

"Mmh, we shall see" Arnold simply said, a smirk across his face as he walked towards his wife.

Regina watched her parents heading upstairs, nervously holding the blonde close to her. As soon as they were gone, she practically pushed Emma away from her and turned away. A wave of relief and fear washed over her at the same time, confusing her feelings.

"Oh my god, that was close" Regina sighed in relief, already taking off towards the kitchen.

"Your parents are... Well, they're-" Emma started to say, unsure what word to use without offending the brunette.

"Batch shit crazy" Regina cut in with a huff, leaning against the island.

"I would have gone with a bit much but sure, we can go with that" Emma replied, unable to help the chuckle at the brunettes response.

"They are going to catch on soon unless we step it up a hell of a lot. They need to see us kiss so suck it up, Blondie, you are going to have to kiss me whether you like it or not" Regina sternly said, standing up straight to intimidate the blonde woman.

"I don't have a problem with that" Emma laughed, looking at her like she said something stupid.

"You just said you don't want to kiss me" Regina quickly said, frowning in confusion at the blondes words.

"I don't mind kissing you for the job, I just don't want to kiss you for no reason" Emma replied while chuckling, knowing this should have been obvious.

"I'm still offended by that" Regina said with a small huff, leaning back against the island.

"Well, after meet your parents, you and your manners make a lot more sense" Emma said, giving a chuckle to herself at the joke. Regina shot her an unfriendly glare, show she was definitely not impressed. Emma laughed more at it, amused by such a reaction. "Anyway, what are we eating for breakfast" Emma asked, walking over to sit on the stool beside the brunette.

"Oh, I forgot people actually eat breakfast. I'll get the chef in for tomorrow morning but today you can eat whatever you find in the fridge" Regina replied with a sigh, knowing she never thinks about food.

"You don't eat breakfast"

"Absolutely not"

"Why not, it's the most important meal of the day" Emma asked with confusion, knowing it is her favourite meal.

"What are you, a kindergarten teacher" Regina asked with a sassy look across her face, using it to avoid the question.

"Madam" a maid said, walking into the kitchen but stopping at the door.

"What, I'm talking" Regina huffed, not bothering to look at the woman who works for her.

"Your parents are on their way in" the maid quickly said, hurrying out of the room to avoid being told off.

"Oh shit, already" Regina sighed in exhaustion, hoping she wouldn't have to see them for awhile. She had told all her staff to announce when her parents were coming in order to prepare herself and avoid saying something she shouldn't. "Get over here, Swan"

Emma looked a little confused as she walked over, soon being pulled into Regina's body. The brunette didn't think before crashing their lips together, instantly deepening it. Emma knew this was coming but the surprising thing was the feeling she got, how it felt so good. Regina felt the unusual feeling too, causing her to actually enjoy the kiss. The pair could feel it had gotten a little passionate, both confused how. They then heard a small cough, causing them to quickly pull away. The pair look over to see Regina's parents, noticing how both looked at the young couple with a frown.

"We brought you a large house with plenty of rooms to do that, don't do it where food is made" Isabella said with a turned up nose, not impressed by the sight she just saw.

"If you have a problem with where we have done it, you may not want to sleep in your bed" Regina said with a smirk, knowing it will annoy the pair enough to entertain herself.

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