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It's been an hour since Emma left. Regina had, obviously, grown impatient in her waiting. She was currently pacing in her office, having summoned all her security and her assistant there.

"Where is she" Regina asked, not daring to look at the group in the middle of the room.

"We can't seem to get ahold of the driver who took her. We've been calling but no answer" the head of security, Sarah, responded in a fearful tone.

"Then track the god dam car! You cannot have lost them" Regina snapped, snapping her gaze towards the woman.

"Ma'am, we haven't lost them. One of my team is currently finding the location of the car and will inform us as soon as he knows" Sarah quickly said, worried she would be the one in trouble for this.

"How can you be the head of a team that you can't get a hold of? Someone clearly needs to lose their job for this" Regina huffed, returning back to her constant pacing. All remained silent at those words, fearing it could be them. "Bernadette, who is the driver"

"Ryan Taylor, ma'am. He is new to the team but had lots of experience" Bernadette replied, reading off the notes on her iPad.

"Well, make sure he is fired before he gets back to this building" Regina demanded, only giving her an inch of a glance.

"Of course, ma'am" Bernadette nodded, knowing there was no point arguing the man's case.

"And I-" Regina started, being cut off by the ping of a phone. "Have they found them"

"Yes, ma'am. We have the location and I will send one of my men to retrieve her now" Sarah replied, giving a smile of relief.

"Wait, I'm going with" Regina instructed, already heading towards the door.

"Are you sure" Sarah asked, taken back by the brunettes instruction.

"Of course I am, let's go"

With that, Regina was out the door, followed by the entire security team. As they all filtered back to their stations, Sarah and another guy continued in the same direction. He quickly opened the car door for Regina before she got there, making sure the angry woman wasn't annoyed any more than she already is. Like lighting, the man got into the car and began heading towards the location. As they began approaching, Regina realized they were at a stoney beach she'd never been to or even heard about. The car pulled up to a similar looking one, another one of Regina's drivers sat inside.

"We are here, ma'am" the man informed, merely glancing over his shoulder.

"And the fucker is on the phone he suddenly couldn't answer" Regina grumbled, flinging the seatbelt off her. She stormed out of the car in a huff, slamming the door behind her. She walked around the other car and straight to the open window, instantly catching his fearful attention. "Get out of the car right now"

"Ma'am, I can explain" the man quickly said, hurrying out the door.

"I don't care for your poor attempt of an excuse. Where is Emma" Regina asked, giving a glare that could kill.

"End of the pier" he rushed his shaky answer, pointing in the direction.

Regina rolled her eyes at the man she saw as weak. She began walking in the way he gestured until she finally saw the blonde figure at the end of a pier. Emma was just sat there, looking at the water. There was no one around. This beach was very unpopular, only being used for dog walks and jogs. Regina just stood there, watching as the woman stared off into the distance. It took a few minutes before she finally began walking over. Once she got there, she just took a seat beside Emma. Regina glanced at her for a brief second, then off into the distance.

"How'd you find me here" Emma asked, letting her stare drop to the water below her feet.

"The driver's phone was off so Sarah tracked his location" Regina softly replied, copying the blonde's view line.

"Don't fire him... I told him to turn his phone off" Emma sighed, knowing she should have guessed this.

Regina chose to stay quiet, easily aware she had offended the woman. She was furious at first but, seeing Emma like this, made her realize how wrong she was before. Her gaze kept switching between the woman and the water, hoping she'd say something. It was growing more and more clear that Emma wasn't speaking.

"I love you... You know that, don't you" Regina finally whispered, looking at the sad blonde.

"I do" Emma mumbled back, watching as the small waves played beneath her feet.

"Do you still love me" Regina nervously asked, portraying a side of vulnerability only Emma had ever seen.

"Of course I still love you, Gina" Emma sighed tiredly, finally looking up at the woman. "No matter what, I always will. Even when you hurt me and say stuff like that, I'll always love you"

"I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"I know you didn't" Emma cut in, annoyance standing out in her voice. "That's the problem. You never mean to. I just keep brushing it under the mat because you never mean to but, after a while, it becomes too much. I can't keep doing this. So, yes, I love you with every ounce of my heart... but I can't keep doing this"

"What are you saying" Regina asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"I'm saying that maybe you were right. Maybe we shouldn't get married" Emma finally admitted, unable to keep her stare on the woman.

"No, don't say that"

"Why, you did"

"I didn't mean it" Regina cut in, turning her body towards the blonde. "You know I didn't. Swan, I love you! You know I don't ever want to hurt you. You are the only person I care about, the only person who's opinion matters to me... Please, don't say that"

"Regina" Emma sighed, her heart aching in her chest. Her eyes finally flicked back towards the woman, seeing the fear and pain matching in their eyes. "I'm sorry... It's too hard"

Their eyes stayed locked, tears building in both. At the sight of Regina's bottom lip slightly trembling, Emma dropped her stare. She could bare to see the woman crying at her expense. She closed her eyes, stood up and began walking away from Regina.

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