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The next week came, leaving Emma and Regina getting ready for bed. Regina was doing her usual routine in the bathroom while Emma was just sat on her phone. The blonde was messaging her little cafe job to see if she can get a full time job there once this is all done. It was a long shot but she'd need something. Just as she sent the message, Regina walked into the room.

"Done?" Emma questioned, wanting to get to sleep after their long day.

"Yeah, let me get into bed and you can turn your light off" Regina simply replied, already climbing into bed. "There you go"

"Cheers, good night"

The pair both flipped their lights off almost simultaneously. Emma snuggled into her pillow and covers, making herself comfortable. She was finally able to get use to the sofa being her bed but it still sucked; especially when Regina had her king size bed all to herself. Speaking of the brunette, she was just managing to drift off to sleep when a loud thud of thunder clashed in the sky, followed by a bright lighting bolt. Her whole body bolted up right at the sound, fear across her face.

"Shit" Regina whispered to herself, looking at the curtained window.

"You ok" Emma quickly asked, noticing the brunettes odd behaviour.

"I'm fine, just go back to-" Regina started, being cut off by the thunder once again. She was startled once again, cursing under her breath. Emma sat up quickly, now able to see the fear on her face. "Just go back to sleep"

"Are you scared" Emma asked curiously, a little confused by this kind of reaction.

"I'm not scared" Regina shrugged off, scolding the woman for even suggesting that. The loud clash came again, this time causing the brunette to actually call out a little. "Oh my fucking god"

"Hey, it's ok. Nothing wrong with being scared, just a little thunder" Emma softly reassured, knowing the brunette is insecure of her own fear.

"I'm fine" Regina huffed, angrily lying back down in her bed. She pulled the covers right up to her chin and gripped them tight, fearing the next one. Just as before, the loud crashing came again, this time louder. A small whimper left Regina's lips at the sound, causing her to shake in silence. Before another could scare her, she felt a dip in the side behind her. "What are you doing"

"I'm coming to help you, you're clearly scared" Emma sighed, getting into the bed with her arms open.

"I'm not scared of anything, especially not-" Regina started, the thunder once again interrupting her.

She jumped so much, her unconscious reaction was to cuddle into the blondes body for protection. Emma didn't say anything and held her close, allowing the scared brunette to shake in her grip.  Regina hated ever admitting her fear of thunder, feeling it was a stupid fear that made her look weak. Emma just held her close, one arm around her waist and the other behind her head. The loud crash came again, startling the brunette.

"It's ok, it's just a noise. If you listen, it's getting further away" Emma softly said, brushing her fingers through the brunette locks.

"How would you even know that" Regina mumbled her question against the blondes chest.

"The gap between each thunderbolt is getting wider which means it's moving away from us" Emma replied, remembering what she was told as a kid.

"Oh" Regina simply said, ever so slightly loosening her grip. Her hands were so much around the blonde as they were gripping the front of her top, keeping her close. "Thank you for this... No one has ever comforted me before"

"It's ok, I'd be just as scared if you put a spider near me" Emma replied, giving a small giggle that was echoed by the brunette. Another thunderbolt came, this time a little quieter than before. Regina still jumped and cursed under her breath, re-tightening her grip on Emma's clothes. "Don't worry, I'll go once you're asleep"

"You don't have to" Regina quietly said, fearing she wasn't actually heard.

Her eyes flicked up to see the blondes reaction, giving a crack of a smile to ask. The other woman just gave the same smile back, maybe a little bigger. Regina could help the smirk growing on her face as she leaned up, moving closer to Emma's face. She connected their lips in a soft kiss that was deepened instantly by both. Neither moved too quickly or too rough, just taking it slow and passionately. The more heat that entered, the tighter their grips grew to become. Regina climbed on top of Emma, her hands already tangled in the blondes mane. A clash of thunder was the only thing to break them apart.

"Hey, it's ok" Emma quickly said, watching as the brunette dropped her head to hide in the blondes neck.

"I fucking hate storms" Regina huffed, hugging the blonde from on top.

"I know, it's alright" Emma soothed softly, wrapping her arms around the woman's body.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be"

Regina couldn't help the small smile at the blondes simple words. She rarely ever said she was sorry and it was never met with that. Regina gripped tighter to the blonde as she snuggled closer, brining her head to the woman's chest. Emma brushed her hand through the brunette locks as she held her close, using it to sooth her.

"Do you mind if I fall asleep here" Regina nervously asked, refusing to look up in case she got a no.

"I like nervous you, she's sweet" Emma giggled, seeing the slight embarrassment.

"Fuck you" Regina huffed, wanting to move but too scared the thunder would go again.

"It's fine, you can sleep there" Emma chuckled, continuing to brush her fingers through the brunettes hair.

Regina just rolled her eyes and chuckled a little, glad she can stay. The thunder went again, a lot quieter than before. Regina still jumped and cuddled closer, shaking a little in the blondes arms. Emma placed a soft kiss against her head, hoping it helped. Surprising, it did. Regina actually smiled at the gesture, doing the same on the blondes neck. Then, within seconds, Regina had managed to fall asleep on top of Emma's body.

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