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It's later that day. Regina and Emma had barely spoken to each other since this morning's little outburst. The pair were currently sat in the back of a limo with Arnold and Isabella. The car was silent, of course. Each set of eyes refused to look at another's, all avoiding an opportunity for conversation. Soon enough, the limo arrived at Javier's house.

"Sir, madams, we are here" the driver said, glancing through the now open screen.

"It's about time" Arnold sighed, being first to get out the already open door.

"Yes, agreed. Regina, your staff are incredibly slow when it comes to driving" Isabella added, the judgement pouring out of her.

"I can't help if there's traffic in Beverly Hills" Regina replied grumpily, rolling her eyes in the process.

The rest of the group filtered out the back of the limo, gathering beside it. The sound of loud music coming from Javier's yard was about to be heard out front. As usual, Arnold linked arm with Isabella and took lead towards the house.

"Let's go, we are fashionably late enough" he demanded, pulling his wife along with him.

"Quick, Swan" Regina said, stopping the blonde from walking on. She held her hand, glanced towards her parents before locking eyes with Emma. "Don't you dare leave my side"

"I won't" Emma simply replied, knowing she wouldn't do that in fear of loosing the woman.

"No, I'm serious. If you truly believe you're right about what happened to me, don't let go of me" Regina cut in, unable to hide her fear any longer.

"I promise" Emma replied with a reassuring tone, squeezing the woman's hand.

Regina gave the weakest smile she could before turning away, continuing up the steps. The pair kept hold of each other as they walked through the house. Regina's grip would grow tighter and tighter the closer they got to the back yard. As the sight of the pool party came into view, her heart rate tripled in speed. They barely made it outside before she saw Javier talking to her parents.

"Awe, Regina, look who we found" Isabella happily said, waving her daughter over.

"She says that as if this isn't his party" Emma mumbled, slight confusion at the comment.

Unexpectedly, Regina began to giggle at the words. It soon grew into a proper laugh as she glanced up at the blonde. Emma couldn't help but join in. At first she wasn't sure if it was to seem as though they were talking but the sound of her laugh gave away it was real.

"I'm sorry, I liked that" Regina chuckled, hiding her smile with her hand.

She looked down as she began walking, pulling the blonde with her. Making it to her parents, her laugh and smile disappeared on cue. Her eyes then flicked to Javier, seeing his shit eater grin.

"Have you missed me, Regina" the Hispanic man asked, holding his arms out to her.

"Not really, no" Regina simply replied, moving closer to the blondes body.

"Oh, Regina, don't be so rude. I apologize for her" Isabella sighed dramatically, glaring at her daughter.

"It's alright, I always knew what she was like" Javier laughed, pulling the brunette into his arms. Regina kept hold of Emma's hand and refused to hug him back; she just tensed up and looked away. As he pulled away, he looked the woman up and down. "Where is your bikini? This is a pool party"

"We have them on under our clothes" Arnold quickly said, aware his daughter would lie to go home.

"Well, go on in, get undressed and get out here" Javier insisted, his hand remaining on the bottom of the brunettes back.

Emma noticed instantly. She slipped her hand around Regina's waist, just above his, and pulled her body closer, breaking his contact. Regina smiled a little as she cuddled into the blonde, relieved she helped her then.

"Come on, let's go and get changed" Emma said, gesturing for the other woman to lead.

"I didn't even see you there. It's Emily, right?" Javier asked, holding his hand out towards her.

"Emma, actually" the blonde replied, unsure why she was annoyed by the name Emily.

"That's it. The wife who stole my beloved" Javier laughed, playing off as if he was joking.

"That's because I have no interest in you or what is in your pants" Regina sassed, turning her nose up at the man.

"Oh, come on. We both know that isn't true"

Regina was half disgusted, half scared at the man's words. She just played off as of she didn't care, rolled her eyes and lead they way back into the house. Javier laughed as he watched, soon turning back to the Mills parents. Regina huffed as she heard the door shut, knowing they are now alone.

"God fucking dammit!" The brunette snapped, letting out her emotions. "I fucking hate him"

"I kn-"


Emma silenced herself at the cut off. Regina just grumbled a few more curse words as they went to the bathroom, heading straight in. She allowed Emma to follow her before shutting the door. Regina didn't bother to wait before getting out of her clothes, having the bikini underneath. She wished there was away for her to have covered up more but her parents wouldn't allow her to be seen dead in a swimsuit. Emma copied and got undressed quickly, checking the brunette was ready. She noticed how Regina was just staring at her, more so her body.

"What? Am I wearing it wrong" Emma asked, glancing down to check herself.

"No, you're fine" Regina quickly said, shaking off her stare instantly. Her eyes then flicked back, switching between her face and body. "Better than fine, actually"

"Oh, so now you like me" Emma questioned, raising an eyebrow at the woman.

"Excuse me?" Regina questioned, fulling locking eyes with the blonde now.

"One minute you are all over me, the next you are screaming at me, after that you won't talk to me unless it's to snap and now you want me again" Emma replied, growing a little annoyed at all this. "I know it's your way of protecting yourself but you can't keep pushing me away and think I'll come back"

"Why do you care what I do? It's not like you are actually my wife" Regina huffed, stepping back to avoid any heated tension.

"Because I do like you! A lot more than I should... A lot more than someone I can just walk away from in two weeks" Emma grumbled, showing how much she cared with only her eyes.

Regina could see the love and kindness on the other woman, easily knowing how genuine Emma was. It was hard for her to look away, entrapped by their beauty and flair. Eventually, she managed to break eye contact for enough time to speak.

"Don't worry, that'll wear off"

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