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It's a little later that day. Regina had avoided her parents as much as she could, in fear she'd snap too much; Emma has been lingering near in case she had to talk to them again. The pair were currently in the lounge on the second floor, each on their phones. Regina glanced up to see the woman, finding she appeared just as bored as her.

"What should we do" Regina asked, dropping her phone onto her lap.

"I don't know. What do you usually do" Emma questioned, shrugging as she never get a day to just sit and relax.

"I drink cocktails and shop all day" Regina replied, knowing that's exactly how she spends most of her days.

"God, you live such an easy life" Emma sighed with a laugh, thinking about her constant busy schedule.

"What do you do"


"On your days off, I mean" Regina added, sighing as if her point was obvious.

"I don't get days off. For as long as I can remember, I haven't had a day to just sit and relax. I work full time and the one day a week I get off, I work at my local cafe" Emma replied, chucking at the thought of a day off.

"Why do you work so much? You need at least one day" Regina asked, sitting up a little curious by this now.

"You saw how much I make a year. A day off is like a dream; not real and won't come true" Emma laughed away the pain of exhaustion she constantly feels.

"Well, a least working for me, you get to sit around most of the day" Regina said with a giggle, knowing she enjoys her lifestyle.

"Yeah but I have to deal with you" Emma replied, chuckling at her own joke.

"Fuck you" Regina sighed, throwing a pillow at the blondes face.

"Oh come on, you know you're a handful"

"Again, fuck you"

Emma giggled at the woman's reaction, moving back to look at her phone. Regina couldn't help the small smile as she watched that little moment play out. She decided to stand up, finally able to move her eyes off the blonde. She walked over to the woman and held her hand out, gesturing for her to take it.

"Where are we going" Emma asked, using the hand to stand herself up.

"Just follow me, I have an idea" Regina replied, already pulling the blonde out the room.

Both were oblivious to the fact their hands were still linked, just walking through the house as if it was normal. They went down the stairs and down a hall Emma hadn't seen before. Regina broke the contact only to reach for the handle, pushing the door open. It revealed a huge game room, mirroring an arcade.

"Holy shit" Emma spat, pure shock coming out her mouth.

"I thought you'd like it in here" Regina chuckled, leading further into the room.

"Why do you even have this" Emma asked, a surprised chuckle leaving her lips.

"Growing up, I use to go to the arcade to hide from my family. This is just my little escape, I guess" Regina replied, looking around at all the games she used as comfort.

"I use to work in one and when we closed, I played for hours to forget my problems at home" Emma added, proving they actually have something in common.

"You never told me about your family" Regina questioned, knowing she never bothered to ask.

"Parents died young and I lived with my aunt but she wasn't a nice person" Emma simply replied, coming off as if it was a common thing.

"I'm sorry, that's rough"

"It's fine, don't be"

"Well, we have a whole arcade to get rid of any pain" Regina said with a chuckle, gesturing to the large room. "What's your game?"

"I was always best at air hockey" Emma replied, glancing over with a slight smirk.

"Me two" Regina added, a shit eater grin growing on her face.

"Oh, you're on"

The pair laughed as they headed over to the machine. Regina pushed the button to start it, watching Emma's excitement. She took the puck and tossed it to the blonde, taking her place in the process.

"I'll be nice and let you start" Regina said with a smirk, slipping her long heels off her feet. She then wiggled out of her blazer jacket and flicked her hair out of her face. "Alright, I'm ready"

"I must say, I didn't have you pegged as someone who liked this stuff" Emma said, starting the game already.

"No one ever does" Regina chuckled, wacking the puck straight into the goal. "That's why I always win"

"Lucky shot"

"No, that was a good shot"

They laughed as she played, both concentrating with desire to win. It wasn't long before the game finished, leaving Regina as the winner by one point. She smirked as she leaned against the edge, mocking the blonde for loosing.

"Don't give me that look, it was by one point" Emma laughed, shaking her head at her little mistake.

"I still won" Regina smirked, moving to grab her shoes and jacket.

"Right, your turn to pick" Emma insisted, allowing the woman to look around.

"Over here" Regina instantly said, already pulling the blonde over. "This was always the best to release my anger. Basically, you just throw the ball and try to knock those creepy clowns over"

"Yeah, that's easy enough" Emma replied, remembering the game as a kid. She chose to now take her jacket off and toss it over the side of the game, making sure it's out the way. Regina's eyes locked onto the muscular arms attached to the blonde, my mouth watering already. As Emma glanced over, she noticed easily. "What"

"Nothing" Regina quickly said, snapping her head up to meet the others.

"You were staring" Emma commented, curious by the woman's look.

Regina tried to answer but couldn't. All she could do was allow her eyes to flick between Emma's lips and eyes. Before she knew it, she pulled the woman into her body, kissing her instantly. Both were shocked by the movement, yet neither tried to stop it. Emma went to deepen the kiss when Regina finally pulled away, reveal just how shocked they both were.

"Shit! I shouldn't have done that, sorry" Regina mumbled mostly, looking down to avoid eye contact. She stepped back a little and turned away, embarrassed by her own actions. "I should-"

Before she could finish, she felt her body being spun around. Within the same second, Emma captured Regina's lip with her own. This time there was no waiting, this time she deepened it. They both held each other as close as they could, kissing with so much passion and excitement. Emma backed Regina up against the air hockey machine, lifting her onto it.

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