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The next day came, Emma woke up to find herself in the large bed alone. She was confused as she hadn't heard Bernadette come in or Regina leave. Her head slowly turned towards the digital clock, seeing it hadn't even turned 8am yet. This baffled the blonde as to where Regina could be. She climbed out of the bed, noticed the outfit led on the sofa for her and decided to quickly change into it. After that, she headed out the bedroom. Her initial thought was to go straight to Regina's office, having no clue where else to look. Upon approaching, Bernadette was leaving the room.

"Hey. Is Regina in there" Emma quickly asked, catching the assistants attention.

"Oh, um... Yes, but I have been advised to keep everyone out" Bernadette awkwardly replied, glancing between the  door and the blonde.

"It's okay, Bernadette, let her in" Regina called out, easily able to hear through the slightly open door. Bernadette just looked slightly worried before stepping out the way, allowing Emma to enter. The blonde was a little confused by her mannerisms but proceeded to enter. "What can I do for you, Miss Swan"

"I was just wondering where you disappeared too and so early" Emma questioned, walking closer to the woman's desk.

"And why is that" Regina asked, glancing up from the piles of papers on her desk.

"Because I was curious" Emma replied, taken back by the question. "What are you doing in here"

"That isn't really your concern, Miss Swan. This is private business I have to handle and I'd rather no discuss it with anyone" Regina simply replied, slowly stand from her desk. Emma was confused by the woman's actions and words, unsure why the woman came off ruder than usual. "Now, is there anything else I can do or are you able to leave"

"So, that's it? I don't get a good morning or even a hi from you" Emma asked with slight annoyance, stepping closer to the desk.

"If that is what you are expecting from me, you are going to be highly disappointed. You don't see me going round and saying good morning to everyone who works in this house" Regina chuckled her response, amused by something so impossible to her.

"I'd have thought I'd maybe get something a little more than this" Emma quickly said, cutting in on the laughter.

"And why is that? Why would I treat you any different than all the other people who work for me?" Regina asked, walking around her desk to look into the blonde eyes. She saw the vulnerability aching inside them, able to read her so easily. Regina just smirked and gave a sly smirk. "Did you think you were different because we fucked? My dear, that desk is messy because I just had Bernadette bent over it... You aren't special and you aren't different"

"But, um..."

"Um, what?"

"You said... Yesterday, you..." Emma tried to get out, feeling too foolish to even continue.

"What? I said I liked you? Don't tell me you thought that meant something" Regina laughed, turning back towards her desk.

"Well, yeah" Emma replied, her face showing half confusion, half shock.

"Oh, please. You are simply someone I pay to do a job, definitely nothing more" Regina cut in, still giggling to herself as she sat down. "Now, Miss Swan, if you'd kindly shut the door behind you"

Emma was more than taken back by this behaviour. Yes, Regina wasn't a nice person but she hadn't treated Emma this bad for a very long time. The blonde had thought she'd been getting better; clearly not. Emma turned towards the door and began walking towards it, thinking about everything they'd been through. She stopped once she got to the door, spinning back towards the woman.

"No, I'm not going to just leave" Emma huffed, catching the brunettes attention.

"Excuse me" Regina questioned, snapping her head towards the blonde.

"You can't just kick me out because shit got too real for you. I think I deserve better after everything I've done for you" Emma sternly said, finally standing up to the woman.

"And what exactly do you think you've done other than be a minor piece of decoration hanging on my arm" Regina asked, slowly standing back up to help intimate. "You think you helped with my eating? Or my awful parents? Or even the things that went down with Javier? You think that's what you done for me"

"What's that supposed to mean" Emma cut in, confused on where this could be heading.

"It means you medaled where you shouldn't have! Now, I have a hell of a lot more problems to deal with and I really can't be arsed to have you as one. I simply don't care enough about you" Regina bluntly replied, staring down the woman. She stepped even closer to the blonde, thickening the tension. "You always have and always will mean one thing to me... Get the picture"

Emma stayed there for a second, trapped in the trance. Regina smirked as her hands slipped into the blondes waist, tilting her head ever so slightly. She used the tip of her tongue to lick Emma's lips, pressing her against them ever so slightly. Before she could move in again, the blonde quickly stumbled away in annoyance.

"No! You will not treat me like a common slut!" Emma finally snapped, all her pain and anger building up. "All you have done is make me feel like shit and put me down for everything I do! I've been nothing but nice to you and that's the thanks I get"

"What did you expect from me of all people, huh" Regina barked back, now getting annoyed.

"Some human decency, maybe? Is that really that fucking hard after what we've been through? You know that I care so, so, much about you! Heck, I may even love you!" Emma angrily said, turning away to avoid the brunettes stare.

"Wait, you what?" Regina hurried to cut in, her whole body falling into shock.

"You heard me... I love you, Regina"

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