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A week passed. Emma was in the lounge, watching on the abnormally large screen. Regina was no where to be found and Bernadette wouldn't reveal anything. Emma felt that it was strange how Regina disappeared at the same time for an hour everyday; she didn't think much of it though. As she was watching her show, the door opened. Emma looked worried as she saw Arnold and Isabella entering the room, both smirking widely.

"Hello, Emma" Arnold said, moving to on the sofa beside her.

"How are you this afternoon" Isabella asked, sitting beside her husband.

"I'm good, thanks. I thought you two were out all day shopping" Emma questioned awkwardly, lifting the remote to pause her show.

"We came back early for a little chat. Where is Regina" Isabella asked with a fake smile, poorly playing a friendly act.

"Somewhere in the house" Emma simply replied, making it obvious that she was uncomfortable.

"Good" Arnold bluntly said, reading into his briefcase. He placed a set of forms onto the coffee table, putting a pen on top. "We would like to ask if you'd sign these for us"

"What are they"

"Divorce papers"

"What" Emma asked in shock, snapping her head up at the couple. At the sight of their serious faces, she knew they weren't joking. "You want me to sigh divorce papers?"

"Yes. We have a lawyer who will keep this all under the radar so our family will never know and Regina will get the therapy she needs" Arnold replied, gesturing to that section of the contract.

"But I don't want to divorce her and she doesn't want to divorce me. We're happy and in love, why is it a problem" Emma asked softly, so shocked by the parents actions.

"This isn't natural, marrying the same sex. Regina is just confused and out to piss us off, that's it. We can pay you, of course" Isabella added, giving a fake smile that convinced no one.

"I'm not signing anything, that's my wife" Emma quickly said, shaking her head at such a request.

"What is going on" Regina asked, entering the room with a stern face.

"They want me to sign divorce papers" Emma replied, lifting the contract to show the woman.

"They what" Regina snapped, storming over to look at the papers. She snatched them from Emma's hand, held it closer to her face and read the first few lines. Her mouth dropped at the sight. She grew so angry that the paper scrunched up in her fist. "Are you fucking kidding me"

"Watch your mouth, Regina" Arnold warned, standing up to show his authority.

"No! How could you do this? You came in here while I'm gone and tried getting my wife to divorce me! That's not okay, what the fuck" Regina angrily snapped, switching between the pair to make sure they both knew.

"This is not okay! You being married to a woman is not okay and you know it!" Arnold huffed, looking down at his daughter in frustration.

"Regina, we have lawyers who will make this all go away and we found a priest who can give you the help you, clearly, need" Isabella cut in, her voice much softer than her husband's.

"A priest? What, you going to pray away the gay?" Regina asked, a shocked laugh leaving her lips. "You never fail to surprise me, I'll give you that"

"We want to help" Isabella sighed, finally standing up to be beside her husband.

"No, you don't. You just don't want to have to admit your daughter is married to a woman" Regina cut in, stepping away from her parents in anger. "I need a drink and to be away from you. Come on, Em"

Regina linked her hand with Emma's as she stormed out the room, pulling the woman out. As soon as the door shut, Regina just froze. Her whole face dropped any trace of anger and replaced it all with heartbreak and sadness. She closed her eyes to cover the fact they were watering so much, refusing to cry in front of anyone.

"Hey, I'm really sorry" Emma softly said, lifting her hand to the brunettes shoulder.

"I don't need your apology" Regina snapped, shoving the blondes hand away from her.

"I know, you need theirs" Emma quickly said, easily aware of the woman's coping mechanisms. She stepped a little closer and put her hand over Regina's shoulder, making sure she kept it there. "Just let me be here for you and comfort you"

"I don't want comforting" Regina replied, her cracked tone making it obvious she was lying.

"I know you don't" Emma whispered, bring the brunette closer to hug here. Regina held her arms around her own body, refusing to hug the other woman; she couldn't show that she needed this. Her lip trembled violently as she desperately tried to hold her tears in. "It's okay, it's normal to be upset and to cry about stuff like this"

"I don't cry" Regina sternly said, her voice like a mumble due to her hidden cracks.

"Everyone cries"

"I don't"

"That's fine, you don't have to. I'm just say that you can if you want, I won't judge" Emma softly informed, holding the woman close to her.

"I'm so glad I'm not really married... This would hurt a hell of a lot more if I was" Regina quietly said, sniffling throughout due to her burning eyes holding everything in.

"What they did is so wrong and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are" Emma kindly said, gently stroking the brunette hair to keep her calm.

Regina kept feeling as though she should walk away or snap at the woman for this; that was just her normal way of dealing with everything. But today she just didn't have the strength, not after all that. Instead, Regina gave into temptation and slipped her arms around Emma's waist, holding her close for comfort. She wouldn't let herself cry but this was enough for her to stay calm.

"I'm sorry"

"For what"

"For making you hug me and miss your show" Regina mumbled, hoping she wasn't actually heard.

"You're sorry that I'm hugging you?" Emma asked with a small chuckle, glancing down at the face buried in her shoulder.

"Maybe" Regina awkwardly replied, knowing she was taught that this was wrong.

"They really fucked with your head, didn't they" Emma questioned, a little shocked by such a thing.

Regina just gave the weakest chuckle she could and nodded her head.

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