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The next morning came, leaving Regina and Bernadette talking in the kitchen. The brunette had left Emma to sleep in today, thinking she looked too cute to wake up.

"And at 12:30, you are meeting all the girls for lunch" Bernadette informed, reading off her iPad. "This will allow you back home in time to spend an hour in your office before your parents arrive"

"Okay, good. Extend that to an hour and a half in my office and find something to keep my parents occupied" Regina instructed, remembering something important she needed to do.

"Right away, ma'am" Bernadette replied, editing the notes she's made earlier that morning.

"Go and put the rest of the day on my desk and I'll read it later" Regina said authoritatively, dismissing the woman with her hand.

"Of course" Bernadette quickly said, giving a nod as she left the kitchen.

Regina turned back to the island and lifted her coffee up, taking a large sip as she did. In the process of removing it from her lips, she felt a pair of hands on her waist. This motion was quickly followed with a few kisses against her neck, creating a large smile to appear.

"Mmm, well hello to you too" Regina happily said, glancing over a little to see the kissing blonde.

"Good morning, beautiful" Emma whispered into her ear, kissing just behind it. Regina bit her lip and smiled brightly at the words she just heard, unable to control herself. "Last night was incredible"

"Agreed" Regina added, placing her coffee onto the island.

"I like this outfit on you" Emma whispered, taking a quick look at the woman's clothes.

Regina blushed at the comment, surprising herself at the unlikely action. She spun around in the blonde's arms and faced her, looking deep into her eyes. She went to speak, almost admitting a feeling she felt for the woman. But as quick as the thought came, Regina dismissed it. She decided that pulling the woman into a kiss was the better option. Emma didn't hesitate to pull their bodies closer, deepening the already heated kiss. She pressed Regina's body against the island, both pulling at the others clothes. 

"Wanna go back to bed" Regina mumbled against the blondes lips, sliding her hands up the blondes shirt.

"I could think of a better option" Arnold coldly said, catching the women's attention. Emma and Regina quickly pulled away at the sound of his voice, snapping round to see the Mills parents. "We have an engagement tonight and you are expected to be there"

"What? What are you talking about" Regina quickly asked, slipping out of the blonde's arms.

"Javier is hosting a party at 3pm and had invited all of us" Arnold replied, annoyed as if she should have guessed.

"He actually specifically requested you attended, Regina" Isabella added, a cold expression on her face. "Your... Emma on the other hand was referred to as an unnecessary plus one you may bring if you have to"

"Go back; did you just call my wife an unnecessary plus one" Regina quickly asked, appearing offended by such a comment. Isabella just shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, not fussed if she hurt anyone's feelings. "If I'm going, she's going. But, having said that, I don't really want to go"

"Well, it's lucky I didn't ask if you did. You are coming" Arnold sternly replied, hoping his glare scared his daughter. "Oh, and it's a pool party so wear something correct"

"Pool party? I really don't want to go to that" Regina hurried to say, badly hiding her fear.

"Again, I didn't ask" Arnold fired back, rolling his eyes.

"Then let me rephrase it. I'm not going to a pool party hosted by Javier under any circumstances" Regina sternly told her parents, finally holding her ground.

"Regina, you are going and there is no getting out of it. We are going out for the day but we shall meet you in time to leave" Isabella sighed, not acknowledging the woman's argument.

With that, the pair turned away and left the kitchen. Regina felt her whole body growing with fear, imaging behind in a bikini around someone like Javier. She closed her eyes and tensed up, desperate to control her emotions. Emma stepped a little closer and placed her hand ever so slightly on the brunettes shoulder.

"Fuck off, Swan!" Regina snapped, shoving the woman off her body.

"Regina, I-" Emma tried to say, expecting that kind of reacting.

"I said fuck off!" Regina shouted, not daring to spin round and face the woman. Emma watched as Regina took much deeper breaths, calming herself down. She didn't want to leave her like this but she also wasn't sure how to help. "Why are you still here?"

"I just want to help" Emma softly said, stepping a little closer to be seen by the brunette.

"I don't want your fucking help" Regina huffed, finally looking round at the woman. "If I wanted your help, I'd ask, okay? You don't know anything about me or my life! How the hell could you help"

"If you talk to me, maybe I can help. Either way, I'm here for you to let it all out on" Emma replied, actually surprised by this much of an explosion.

"Talk to you? Why would I want to talk to you about my problems? What would I say, huh?" Regina snapped, a mix of a laugh and a sigh pushing out. "What do you want to hear? I'm scared of people seeing my body? Or I don't want my parents to shame me for being gay again? Or the fact Javier is a rapist who stole my virginity? Or maybe its-"

"What did you just say" Emma cut in, nothing but shock on her face. Regina froze. The one piece of information she was telling herself not to say just came pouring out her mouth. Fear took over her as she realized her longest secret was finally out. Emma observed the behaviour and hated how well it matched her theory. "Did he... Regina, did he rape you"

Regina just stood there. She wanted to blurt her whole traumatic experience out but everything inside her was holding it in. As usually, she turned her anxiety into pure anger.

"Don't ever ask me that again!" Regina snapped, turning away to leave the room.

"Regina, wait"

"Just get the hell out of my business, Miss Swan!"

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