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Later that day, Emma was sat by the pool just reading a book. She was in a red bikini that had been picked out for her by a maid, feeling a little exposed for her own liking. She had been instructed to go by the pool but unsure of why, no one else was here. She didn't mind, the sun was hot and she had her book. Soon enough, the back doors opened. Two butler's led the way out with Regina following, causing a shadow over Emma.

"Right, they are on their way so move this closer" Regina instructed, gesturing to the sun bed beside the blonde. One of the men bent down and began pushing it closer to Emma, causing a frown from her. "Have my parents beds on my side, I will not have them talking to Emma"

"So these two, madam" the other butler asked, gesturing to two empty beds.

"Well, obviously" Regina huffed, rolling her eyes as if it's simple.

Emma just shook her head at the rudeness and focused back on her book. Due to Regina blocking the sun and Emma's sunglasses, she couldn't see the words very well. She glanced up to ask the brunette to move, catching sight of her lifting the white cover up off her body; she reveal herself to be in a white bikini. Emma's mouth dropped at the sight, lowering her glasses for a better look. She couldn't believe the brunettes body or how much she adored it. She then noticed how Regina's arms subconsciously wrapped around her waist, covering up her own body best she could.

"They are coming" a maid quickly said, positioning herself beside the door.

Regina sighed as she walked to her sunbed, lying down just in time for her parents to come outside. She once again covered her stomach, positioning her hands as if it was just how she would lie. Emma had noticed this instantly. Isabella was in a black swimsuit with a thin, flowing, cover up over it. Arnold wore just a pair of black swim shorts, happy to show off his toned body.

"Your beds, sir and madam" one of the butler's said, gesturing to the two beds he set up.

"I will cool off in the water for a moment, Isabella, come join me" Arnold said, ignoring what the butler had informed him.

"No, dear, I'll stay here" Isabella replied, spilling out her cover up and lying on the bed.

"Suit yourself" Arnold simply said, walking over to the pool steps to get in. He stopped as he looked up at the couple, seeing both were looking up to avoid him. "Are you coming in"

"No, we're ok here" Regina replied with a polite smile, glancing at Emma to make sure she agreed.

"How do you know if your friend doesn't want to come in" Arnold asked, trying everything he can to catch the pair out.

"Because she's not my friend, she's my wife. I just asked if she wanted to go in and she said no" Regina instantly replied, her tone sounding annoyed and a little angry.

Arnold just sighed as he climbed in, allowing his body to cool down. Emma glanced across to see Regina, seeing the beauty her body had to offer. It glistened in the sun and filled the bikini perfectly. As much as Emma hated this woman, she couldn't deny that she was instantly attractive. The back door then opened, snapping Emma from her stare.

"Madam" Bernadette nervously said, not daring to leave the doorway.

"What, Bernadette" Regina snapped, remaining in her position to avoid looking at her.

"Erica is on the phone, wondering if you're still on for lunch" Bernadette replied in a hurried pace, not wanting to be stood there long.

"Shit, I forgot about that. Tell her no and reschedule for tomorrow" Regina simply replied, waving her hand to dismiss her assistant.

"Who is Erica" Isabella asked with a slight frown, wanting to know everything about her.

"My best friend. Me and Emma go out for lunch with her and her husband almost every day" Regina replied, annoyed she will have to bring the blonde along now.

"She has a husband? It's ashame you couldn't follow in that lead, per pressure clearly isn't doing a good job anymore" Isabella sighed softly, letting her head drop as if she is upset by this.

Emma couldn't help but raise her head at this, looking at the woman like she was crazy. Regina shot her a harsh glare, even through the glasses, to warn her to sit back down. Emma sighed as she lowered her head, still looking at the brunette with confusion.

"Is she serious" Emma mouthed, checking that both Mills parents weren't looking.

Regina just nodded with an eye roll, trying not to let her parents get to her too much. Emma's eyes soon moved back down to Regina's body, more specifically her stomach. The whole time they had been put here, no once had she moved her hands from her stomach. Emma reached out and took one of Regina hands, linking them together. The brunette looked across with a confused frown, unsure what she was doing. Emma gestured very subtly to the man in the pool, hinting that this was part of the act; it was to actually see what Regina would do. The brunette stretched across and hid her stomach with her other hand, just as Emma would have guessed.

"I'm thirsty. You in the suit, get me a glass of champagne" Isabella ordered, pointing at a butler stood by the pool.

"Right away, ma'am" he replied, giving a nod before he headed inside.

"You have good help here, clearly their fear in you is paying off" Isabella informed, liking the help better than at her other daughter's house.

"Yes, well, it is better to be feared than loved as we say" Regina replied with a fake chuckle, having been taught this ever since she was a child.

"Indeed it is"

As Regina sat up a little, she noticed her father swimming to the edge of the pool. She held Emma's hand closer to her and leaned down to kiss it, smiling at the blonde as she did. Arnold turned his nose up at the small motion, clearly unimpressed by it. Regina then stood up and stepped closer to Emma, pushing her hand through blonde locks as she leaned down. Regina connected their lips together, not bothering to wait until she deepened it. Emma just went with it, knowing she has to play this part perfectly. It didn't last too long before Regina pulled away, pecking her lips a final time.

"I'm running inside quickly, don't say anything stupid" Regina whispered with a smile, appearing as if she was saying something sweet.

"I won't, I'll come use the toilet in about five seconds" Emma replied, knowing she isn't ready to be left alone with them.

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