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After an hour or so, the Mills grandchildren finally came back. They'd just been sat in there, not doing anything but unable to leave before the hour was up. As they walked in, Emma's head snapped towards the group. Once her eyes caught sight of Regina, she immediately stood up and headed towards her. Before the brunette could react, Emma wrapped her arms around her body and hugged the woman.

"What's up" Regina quickly asked, worried by the sudden behaviour. Emma slowly pulled away to see the woman, giving a small hint of a smile. "Are you okay"

"Let's go home" Emma whispered, allowing her lips to stretch into half a smirk.

"What" Regina asked, her words almost falling out of her mouth.

"Let's go home. You don't want to be here and none of these assholes accept you so let's just go" Emma hurried to reply, her face showing the woman she was serious.

"What did they say to you" Regina asked curiously, glancing round at her distracted father.

"It doesn't matter. They have treated both of us like shit since we've been here. You don't want to be here and neither do I so let's go" Emma simply said, brushing her hands onto the brunette's cheek.

"Are you actually serious?" Regina quickly asked, knowing the blonde was convincing her to stay.

"Dead serious" Emma smirked, leaning closer to the brunettes face.

She connected their lips together, not caring for any of the family watching. Johnathon, Arnold and Jaquelyn all snapped their heads towards the sight. None could believe the pair were actually kissing, let alone in front of them.

"My god" Johnathon breathed out, shock being the only thing across his face. Regina and Emma broke apart at the sound of his voice, turning towards them. "You should be ashamed of yourself, young Regina"

"Why, because I'm in love" Regina asked, finally sticking up to her uncle.

"Because it's disgusting" Arnold cut in, looking his daughter up and down with disgust.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. We're leaving" Regina replied, playing off as if she wasn't hurt by that.

"No you most certainly are not" Arnold quickly said, frowning in confusion.

"I told you that I wasn't going to follow these stupid family traditions anymore. Not when I'm treated like a disease by you all" Regina huffed, sliding her arm around the blondes waist.

"So, you are going to leave your dying grandmother and run off home with this so called girlfriend" Johnathon asked, giving an angry scoff at the idea.

"Fiancé, actually" Regina sassed, giving a mischievous smirk to help tease them.

"Enough, Regina, this has all gone far enough" Jaquelyn sternly said, stepping in front of her brothers. "This obsession you have with hurting your family must come to an end. Your father may be too weak to do anything but I shall not allow this monstrosity to continue"

"Monstrosity?" Regina spat, moving a little closer to show her lack of fear. She couldn't decide whether she was angry, shocked, scared or confused. As she noticed the tension on everyone's face, she knew this was the only time she'd get to stand up to her family. "You know what, Aunt Jaquelyn... Go fuck yourself"

A gasp came from every member in the room, having never known someone to stand up to Jaquelyn. Emma couldn't help the small smile on her face at the achievement. She rested her hand upon the brunette's shoulder and gave it a squeeze, using it as her way of saying she was proud. Jacquelyn, however, was not.

"How dare you talk to me like that, young lady? I am your superior and you shall show me the respect I deserve" Jaquelyn snapped, taken back by the brunette's bravery.

"I think I'm showing you more respect than you deserve. You just told me that my engagement, to the one person who I love most in the world, is a monstrosity. None of you have ever shown me a spec of respect and yet you think I'm going to give you any" Regina scoffed, unsure why she felt disbelief by all this. "So, I stand by my original statement... Go fuck yourself"

Jacquelyn was in far too much shock to even question what was just said. No one had ever stood up to her, let alone someone beneath her. Johnathon and Arnold mirrored their sister's emotion, having never seen someone brave enough to do that. The whole room was simply speechless. Well, all except Emma.

"Holy shit, baby" the blonde whispered, reaching to hold her fiance's hand. Regina finally let herself smile as she turned to Emma, seeing how proud she was. "Come on, let's go home"

"Yes, let's" Regina agreed, turning away from her family and towards the door.

"Regina Marie Mills, get back here now" Arnold called out, having full knowledge that she wouldn't.

"Nope" Regina simply said, flashing both her middle fingers as she walked out.

Emma couldn't help the giggle as she followed the brunette out, taking one glance to the group as she did. The pair left them stood there, face full of shock. It took a few seconds for them all to process what just happened. Suddenly Jodie let out a small chuckle. This grew to a laugh that spread throughout the grandchildren. Only one or two, including Markus, weren't amused by this. The rest couldn't stop the laughter erupting from them. Meanwhile, Regina and Emma were hurrying towards the front door.

"Gina, wait" Emma called out, pulling the brunette back a little as she stopped.

"Come on, we need to go before they follow" Regina asked, giving an excited giggle as she did. "Don't worry, our stuff will all be sent to the airport before we take off"

"Not that, just come here" Emma quickly said, bringing the woman closer to her. Within the same move, the pair connected their lips together. Regina smiled into the kiss, both bringing each other closer. The pair got more and more into it, allowing the passion to grow intensely. As much as she didn't want to, Regina finally broke the kiss. Emma smiled as they did, resting her head against the brunette's. "I'm very proud of you"

"Thank you, my darling" Regina whispered, giving the blonde a peck on the lips.

"That was also very hot to watch... You're sexy when you're mad"

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