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The evening soon came around, the chef's and waiters of the house were setting up the dining table for dinner. Regina was in her wardrobe, picking out a dress for the evening meal. Just before she could slip out her dress, Emma walked into the wardrobe.

"What, Swan, I told you to get dressed in my room" Regina asked in annoyance, continuing to strip to her underwear.

"I don't have a shirt or anything, just blazer" Emma quickly said, still stood in her bikini from earlier.

"That's the point, idiot. You don't wear a bra or shirt, just button up the blazer and it will hide your chest for you" Regina sighed, fiddling with the dress to get it off the hanger.

"That doesn't sound right" Emma questioned, looking at the blazer with confusion.

"That's because you have no idea about fashion or style clearly. Just take that off and I'll show you" Regina sassed the blonde, tossing her dress over a chair as she walked over.

"No, you'll see me naked" Emma quickly said, holding her clothes closer to her body.

"It's a pair of boobs, for god sake. I have seen many in my time, I doubt yours will give me a reason to drool" Regina replied with a mocking tone, rolling her eyes at the woman.

Emma just sighed and moved her hands away from her chest. She turned around and took the bikini top off, quickly pulling the new blazer over her shoulders. When she spun to face the brunette, she hid her chest with the clothing.

"Now what" Emma asked, looking down at it with confusion.

Regina stepped forward and moved the blondes hands, stopping her from touching it. Regina folded one side tightly around the blondes body before folding the other side over it, buttoning it up quickly. She then slowly brushed her hands over it, straightening it out. Her eyes flicked up to meet the blondes, seeing how she watches her every move.

"What" Regina asked with confusion, her voice not cruel or harsh at all.

"I didn't say anything" Emma quickly replied, moving away as she assumed she was done.

"Well, go finish getting dressed" Regina sternly ordered, turning around to hide she was staring.

With that, Emma left the room in a hurried pace. Regina just rolled her eyes as she grabbed her dress, slowly slipping into it. It was a short black one that finished just above her mid thigh. It was inappropriate to wear for a meal with her parents but that's exactly what she was going for, wanting to annoy them as much as she could. She'd already done her makeup and hair so she headed out the room, seeing Emma was just looking in the mirror. Regina didn't know why but she found herself checking out the blondes appearance, biting the inside of her lip.

"Am I wearing this right" Emma asked, finally noticing the brunette behind her.

"What? Oh, yeah, you look fine" Regina quickly covered up, looking towards the door she was now walking to. "Come on, we have to be down there before my parents"

"You look nice in that dress, by the way" Emma awkwardly complimented, looking the woman up and down without intention.

"I know" Regina simply replied, hiding that she was shock by the comment.

Emma just rolled her eyes at the woman and followed her out, knowing she should have expected that answer. The pair headed downstairs and towards the dining room. Regina walked in, causing all staff to straighten their posture and silence their talking. One pulled a chair from the end of the table, waiting for the brunette to take her place. Once she did, he took the one beside her and pulled it out.

"Thank you" Emma politely said, sitting in the seat pulled for her.

"You are far too polite and nice to people, it will not get you far" Regina said in a judgemental tone, turning her nose up at the blondes manners.

"I said thank you, what's the big deal? Maybe you should try saying it, it wouldn't kill you" Emma replied, huffing a little as she didn't like the woman's comment.

"I don't need to, I'm rich and pay them to work for me" Regina simply said, shrugging the blondes statement off.

"Your father pays them" Emma mumbled, looking away to avoid eye contact.

"That was a cheap shot" Regina quickly growled, shooting a glare towards the blonde. Emma shrugged with a smirk, knowing it annoyed the other woman. Regina slipped her shoe off and slowly dragged her foot up Emma's leg, catching her attention. "I pay the maids in my own way"

Emma's breath hitched in her throat, her body froze and her eyes doubled in size. Regina smirked at the reaction, liking it. She slowly slid it higher, looking at the door as if she was doing nothing.

"Stop" Emma sternly said, knowing this is turning her on.

"Why? Getting too excited" Regina asked, walking her fingers across the table and to the blondes hand.

"I'm serious" Emma quickly said, not daring to actually move away from the touch.

Regina laughed as she took her foot away and slipped it back into her shoe, fixing her hair in the process. She looked up as if it never happened, able to hear footsteps heading towards the door. Emma just crossed her legs and tensed up, not liking the feeling between them. Regina just smirked at the blonde, noticing the reaction.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you wet next time" Regina whispered, finishing just in time for her parents to walk in. Emma frowned in shock, knowing she didn't expect that of all things. "Butler, tell the chef to start bringing out the starters"

Arnold and Isabella both stayed quiet, just sitting down the other side of Regina. The man looked at Emma and frowned a little, noticing something off. He could see she was flustered and tensed, easily figuring out what was wrong.

"You didn't do it on the table, did you" Arnold asked, switching from the blonde to his daughter.

"Excuse me, what" Regina asked, choking on the wine she was just sipping.

"It doesn't take a genius to notice your little friend here is turned on" Arnold replied, looking at his daughter as if it's obvious.

"If we done it, she wouldn't still be turned on. I guess I just have that effect on women" Regina said with a smirk, slipping her hand onto the blondes.

"Regina, watch your mouth. This is the dinner table, don't be so vulgar" Isabella sternly ordered, looking at her daughter with anger.

"He asked if I did it on the table and I was being honest" Regina defended, unsure how she was still being told off by her parents.

"Dinner is served" the chef announced from the door way, watching the butlers placing the starter on the table.

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