Philzas Past, Our Soldier (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Scars, fighting


Hybrid AU

No one's POV

It has now been a whole year since they have lived in their new home.
Philza now being 25, and Wilbur is 6 years old.

In his opinion, this is his dream life right now.

Philza called for him, he heard the little stomps and Wilbur appeared.
Wilbur was holding his stuffed pig Dave, Wilbur made Dave wave a 'hello' to Phil which made him die on the inside on how adorable this is.


He patted his son's head.
"I need to be somewhere."
Wilburs eyes glinted with excitement as soon as he said that.

"Oooh! Can I come? Can I come?!"
Wilbur followed Philza who picked his trident. The older adult could only stare at Wilbur softly for a few moments.

"No mate, you have to stay here."
Philza said, looking through his chest to find some gapples and potions.


Philza then pondered for a moment. Leaving a 6-year-old child, on their own, in a cottage, in the middle of the woods while Phil leaves for about a few hours?

Yeah, that sounds unsafe and immature.

Phil looked at Wilbur who was still hoping that he could come with him.

"Ok. You can come with me ok? But!"
Wilbur jumped at this yet giggled quietly.

"You stay close to me alright?"
Wilbur saluted at this and jumped once again.

"Yay! I'm going with Father! I'm going with Father!"
Wilbur hugged Phil immediately.
"Thank you!"

"Alright now you have this."
Phil has a small enough dagger that Wilbur can easily use.
He has taught Wilbur a few self-defense skills.

Wilbur 'played' with the dagger while Phil thought immensely about how he can do this.

Phil only needs gold, to be rich obviously but for his wings, they need protection. Diamond and Netherite are way too heavy for him, so gold is the best option.

"Ok Wil, follow me down here.."
Wilbur took Phils' hand and he guided Wilbur down the staircase to another room where Philza personally made himself.

Wilbur gasped audibly, the room was completely made out of stone, yet vines scattered the area, and chests were placed neatly against the wall.
Including an ender chest.

And in the center of this all, with a Nether portal. Its whispers were audible yet not loud enough to be much of a threat.

"Father why didn't you tell me about this?!"
Phil couldn't help but smile when Wilbur was pouting at him angrily.

"You pinkie promised to keep no secrets from each other!"
Wilbur stomped a foot on the ground, Phil starting to chuckle.

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