Thunder and Lightning

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Thunderstorm, Swearing, anxiety attack

Play sound for effect (if you want)!


Wilburs POV (3rd person)

It's unusual for all of the Sleepy Bois, aka his 'family',  to be gathered in one room and not argue or cause chaos. However, it's comforting.
Today is one of the days where they're just chilling. Relaxing.

They were all in the sitting room, Wilbur sitting down on the floor with his pillow, Phil and Techno on the same couch, and Tommy on his chair.

Wilbur was strumming on his guitar, wondering what he should do next for his next upcoming song.
Techno was typing on his computer, probably messaging or coming up with ideas.
Tommy was on his phone smiling and at times giggling, either he was watching something funny or he's texting to any of his friends.
Phil was also on his phone, scrolling through Twitter or Tumbler.

And to top it all off, the soft pattering of rain against the window was pleasing.
With the background of Technos choice of music, orchestra. To Wilbur, this is aesthetically appealing.

Wilbur mentally sighed, he just wants to go to bed.
It's late at night and he isn't bothered to get his phone upstairs.

"Hey Techno?"
He lied down on the ground, looking at Techno.


"What time is it?"
Wilbur asked, yawning.

"Time for you to get a watch Bitch!"
Tommy interrupted, smiling. Wilbur ignored him and saw Techno look at his screen.

"It's 10 o'clock."

"That's so early!"
Tommy whined, sliding off his chair slightly.

"You planning on sleeping Wil?"
Phil asked, giving a fond smile.

Wilbur nodded lazily.

"That's alright mate."
Phil stood from where he was.
"I should as well, got a lot of work to do."

"Like what?!"
Tommy was on the ground now, Wilbur questions how he slid down all the way.

"No need to be so nosy now."
Phil chuckled softly, gazing at Techno.

"I won't bother asking you."
Techno gave an offended glare, but he understood what Phil meant.
Techno doesn't sleep, and Wilbur doesn't know how that man lives.

It was a peaceful evening and Wilbur wanted to end it perfectly, he'll probably listen to some Lovejoy while he sleeps.
Maybe even brainstorm in the meantime.

(Play video now :)  )

Before Wilbur could stand up, he heard a booming sound.
Looking around, he realized the others heard it as well.

Techno closed his laptop and stood up, peaking out the window.
"It's only raining. It's fine."
Techno dragged the 'e' and returned to his seat.

Wilbur and Tommy gave an unsure glance between each other.

Phil this time looked outside and frowned.

Phil looked at Techno and Tommy, then at Wilbur.
"..yup. It's just raining."

Tommy and Techno caught on, but Wilbur was oblivious.
"Why are we making a big deal about rain?"

Another loud rumble from outside was heard. Wilbur now realized what's going on.

A thunderstorm.

Wilbur felt his heartbeat quicken, is that just him?
And the rain seemed to have gotten more violent than before.

Tommy walked to him, but Wilbur backed away.

"Tommy, he's scared of Thunderstorms."
Phil explained, Tommy replying with guilt in his eyes.
Wilbur doesn't take pity.

"I'm not scared! I'm just surprised that there is-"
Another loud noise was heard and it didn't help at all. Wilbur winced at the noise and made his way to the couch where Techno was.

Wilburs breathing became uneven when the thunder became much louder than it was. This included the rain, all he could hear was those things.

Then, the lights went out.

It was pitch black and Wilbur screamed when it did.
Another thunder noise was heard and Wilbur covered himself with his arms. A sudden wave of panic took him.

The thunder and rain were still pounding in his ears.
He started to sweat anxiously, he couldn't see anybody.

He heard Technos's voice loud and clear, Wilbur was shaking uncontrollably now and felt a hot tear form in his eyes.

Wilbur feels so helpless. So weak. So pathetic.

"Count to 10 with me ok?"
Tommy asked Wilbur softly, he didn't notice that Techno and Tommy were sitting beside him.

Wilbur couldn't focus, but he'll try.

Tommy started, Wilbur followed, trying to ignore the roars of thunder.





Wilbur opened his mouth to speak but a loud boom was heard which made him get shivers.
Wilbur spoke aloud between breaths, he couldn't breathe right now. He's losing himself.

Tommy asked once more, He felt something fluffy. A blanket he guessed.

Wilbur said, trying to focus back on his main goal. Counting.

"Good Wil..4.."
Tommy praised him slightly, whispering the words to him soothingly.






Wilbur felt himself calm down, but only slightly. He snuggled into the blanket, eyes closed and leaning beside Techno.

Tommy continued to count, Wilbur feeling Tommy tries to get into the blanket as well.

Wilbur shivered when he heard another sound of the thunderstorm.

He heard Tommy yawn slightly but snuggle next to Wilbur.






The thunder was still loud of course, but Wilbur felt much more at ease, however, he was still sweating and shaking.

Fuck Thunderstorms, but it's odd how you can have a family bonding experience during it.

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