We don't always have to harmonize

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Band AU

Technoblades POV (1st person)


I threw my violin in frustration on the ground.
I don't care if it broke, Phil can always buy me a new one, but it's that stupid chord that always gets me and it's getting on my nerve.

I stare at it.


Such frustration.

Just like my enemies eyes when they're defeated by me.
Anger, frustration, and defeat.

I gripped the wand tightly.
I stared at it.

I sigh,

I looked at my bedroom door to see a very worried looking Wilbur.
I turn away from him and focused on the violin that laid on the ground.

"Techno did you break another..?"
Wilbur said this, in a sad and disappointed voice.

I say briefly.

"..you know you can't just always break your instruments in frustration, it's costing all of us a lot of money just to get you a new one.."

Wilbur lectured, walking into my room and gently taking the violin.
I grumble with disappointment, watching him check if the violin is properly damaged.

Wilbur sighed and glanced at me and the violin.
"Techno, this is the 4th one you broke! What's up with that?"
Wilbur started to yell.

"I just can't seem to get the right chord-"

"I don't need all that bullshit, I know you'll eventually get it perfectly, but that doesn't mean you simply just break your instrument!"

"Focus on the word 'eventually' Wil, I'm not some talented music boy as you are or any of the band.."
I glare at him angrily, he always has to overreact with the simplistic of things. It's broken, I'll get a new one, simple.

"Then why'd you even join it? Were you simply bored?!"

"That has no need to your concern-"

"Tommy created that band with a heart of wanting to sing, and now you're.."
Wilbur left his sentence unfinished, watching me putting on my shoes.
"No you are not-"

"I'm going. I'll be at the mall."
I turn away to put on my coat, ignoring all his protests.

"Techno you are not going-"
Wilbur try to grab my shoulder, I pushed him away.
I ran down the stairs, opening the door.

"I'll be back soon."


"I say this politely Wil, go home. You aren't my father."


I inspected the wall filled with instruments.

I know for definite that whatever violin I'll choose will probably be wrecked at the end.

"Need some help?"
I heard a familiar voice.

None other than Tommy.

I stare at him in disbelief, he is definitely not one to go into the violin section in any music shop.

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