Fathers Day

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Philzas POV (3rd person)

"..well.....NO..!.....YOU IDIOT..."



Phil awoke from his peaceful sleep.

He heard very muffled noises from downstairs. Phil checked the clock beside him, 9:00 am.

Quite early, and the boys would not be awake at this hour.

Phil yawned and got out of his bed. Putting on his slippers he opened the door and peeked to see if anything was suspicious.

Nothing. Yet.

He slowly crept down the steps, it was then he heard the voices much more clearly.

"Tommy that's way too much chocolate!! What are YOU, trying to make him become Santa!"

"I can do whatever I want BITCH-!"

He slowly looked from the corner of the door to the kitchen.
He saw his three boys, trying to make or create something.

He saw Techno leaning against a counter, him being properly dressed and watching his brothers fighting over toppings.
His hair was done in a very loose ponytail, possibly him being in a rush?

Wilbur next was beside Tommy, holding strawberries and blueberries and looking quite annoyed. He was also fully dressed only without wearing any shoes.

Finally, Tommy was in the centre, between Techno and Wilbur and was the only one in pyjamas.
He held a huge bottle of chocolate syrup and was pouring it down onto whatever they made.

Techno was smiling at the chaos, Phil immediately saw his eyes to see him.

Phil laughed at the scared look on Technos face when Phil was also watching this mess.

Techno was frantically poking Tommy and Wilbur on the head, nearly punching one of them (Wil) before Wilbur dodged.

"What the fuck man?! I..oh shit.."
Wilbur turned to where Techno was looking at.
Tommy soon followed, him nearly dropping the chocolate toppings.


"Hey, mates!"
Phil gave an innocent grin at them, now properly standing in front of the door.

"Phil uh..can you go back..?"
Techno asked, spreading his arms as if he were T-posing.

Phil acted innocently, smiling as he took a step into the kitchen.
He laughed as Wilbur ran to him and attempted to block his view.

"What are you hiding there?"

"Phil! Be old for a minute and go back to bed!"
Tommy yelled out, immediately regretting as he saw Phil's dark expression grow.

"That's it, let me through Wilbur."
Wilbur still covered his view, failing as Phil pushed (gently) past him to the counter where Techno and Tommy were.

"..Ahah..hehe uhhh.."
Techno was the only one speaking right now, scratching his head and giving nervous glances to Tommy and Wilbur who also did the same.

Phil was about to cry.

There was a stack of pancakes, an attempt was made by Wilbur to try put something healthy onto it but all he saw was the pancakes dripping in chocolate Tommy had put.

He was about to turn to them but saw another thing.


Three cards were laid on the table.

One had musical notes and a honey pot drawn, and in neat handwriting wrote "Happy Fathers Day!".

The second had a poorly drawn pig and crow standing beside each other. Above this, in fancy writing was written: "To the best Father".

The last one had a family photo of all of them, but green, white and black streamers drawn around it. Mainly focusing on Phil.
It wrote in big letters saying, "To the best man in the world, Philza Mine"

Minecraft couldn't be written there as the card was too small, Phil grinned widely at that.

Phil looked at the boys, a tear in his eye.

Techno was smiling awkwardly, Wilbur had a genuine smile and Tommy was...Tommy.

Tommy yelled out but stayed quiet when Wilbur and Techno chuckled.

"Hey, you said that we'd say it together!"
Tommy pouted at them, feeling a sense of betrayal.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and took the plate of pancakes and placed it on the table.
"Here Phil, eat up. But don't blame me if it's way too sweet."

"Must reward him with a proper reward and that's sweets right?!"
Tommy replies eagerly, Techno shaking his head with disappointment.

"You attempted to kill a man. That has diabetes in it."
Techno sat down, glancing at the pancakes then at Phil.

Tommy handed him a knife and fork, jokingly acting as if he were to stab Phil.
"You guys didn't have to..."

"Phil. You took us in, must repay the favour right?"
Wilbur nodded his head along, hoping for somebody to interact as well.

Techno said Wilburs face was unreadable at this point.

Phil hesitantly stabbed his fork into the pancakes, Tommy, Techno and Wilbur bickered about who knows what.

"Hey Phil, are you alright with going-"
Wilbur slapped Tommy, on the shoulder wanting him to stop. Tommy acted dramatically and clutched his shoulder in pain.

Phil raised an eyebrow to Wilbur who groaned.

"What Tommy was about to say was, we were going to this zoo and we were hoping you were ok with that."
Techno explained lazily, smirking at Tommy who was annoyed he couldn't say it first.

"Of course! Let me get my wallet and-"

"No no no! We will be paying big man!"
Tommy stood from his seat, Techno and Wilbur nodding in agreement.

Phil doesn't know how they got the money to do so, but he's really happy.

But how can he explain to them that the pancakes weren't cooked all the way?

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