The Flu could cause other symptoms

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Request from @DreamSWilbur

No ones POV

Tommy sneezed again, causing a young Wilbur to jump from his small seat.

Philza gave an uncertain glance at Tommy who sniffled, looking dizzy and frowning at himself.

"Toms, you sure you want to go to the park today?"
Philza asks hesitantly, Tommy crossing his arms and nodding proudly. Wilbur followed this action happily, bizarrely struggling with the placement of his arms.

Tommy replies, taking another bite off of his plate given for lunch.
Wilbur, once again, followed his older brothers actions by turning to Philza who's supposedly supposed to feed him.

With a heavy sigh, he did the airplane action and Wilbur happily ate his fair share, until a wave of coughs erupted from Tommy, scaring the 2 year old.

Philza rushed to the blondes side, nearly forgetting Wilbur who was about to cry with the sudden reaction.

And he cried.


"I want Mum."
Tommy demands, frowning when Philza gently pushed him back to lie down on his bed.

Wilbur watched from the door frame curiously, intently gazing at his father give Tommy some sort of liquid.

"Mum, won't be here until next week."
Philza softly explains, glancing at the small Wilbur who sheepishly turned away at his fathers gaze.

With a few small steps, Philza scooped up Wilbur and carried the boy to look at Tommy, whom, is sick.

"But Mum can heal me."
Tommy huffs, smiling at Wilbur who spoke gibberish at the blonde happily. Sometimes saying the words, 'Mumza!'or 'Blue!'.

"That is true, but I can as well."
Philza replies, making Tommy scoff and thrash in his bed, demanding for 'Mumza' to return.

The older man gently placed Wilbur to the ground and tried to calm down Tommy who seemed to be having none of it.
Wilbur sat down confused, it was always him who got the attention, so why not now?

With fury contained in the small 2 year old body, Wilbur copied Tommys actions.

Having a tantrum.

Surely this will gain the attention of the Philza Minecraft?

News flash, Philza focused on the blonde.


"..when are you coming back?"

"Phil, it's Wednesday? I only left yesterday-"

"I want you back."

"Phil, is this with the kids?"

Philza bit his lip and turned to the still coughing and heavy breathing Tommy.

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