So this is what sadness is

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️

Swearing, mentions death,
implied su!c!de

(The audio above contains screaming, heavy breathing, ear ringing and implied su!c!de)


Guardian Angel AU

Technoblades POV (1st person)

I laid down on my bed.

Alone with these thoughts, trapped in this bed. I adore that song lyric..

I never thought anybody so close to me would leave.

It was bizarre to think I'll see them go, friends do come and go, but I rarely feel such emotions towards them.

Was it because these friends always leave me every year? Or the next?



I have many stories on how these friends left me.

They move away to another country and we would lose contact, never speak again.

We never fully clicked, and they lost interest.

They used me until I had no use, throwing me with nothing left. Or so they thought.

They would end themselves. No matter how hard I try to stop them, they leave. They end it.

And finally.
We would drift apart, on and off until I cut the thread. Better leave them before you get too close to them.

All of these reasons are why I am never so close to anybody.

Bizarre isn't it?

I see so many people laugh, have fun and actually be genuinely happy.

They don't forcefully do it.

They just..actually have fun.

I rarely experienced that before. Rarely.

Though there was one..


Their voice spoke cheerily. I slightly smile them.

I call out their name happily.

Though my face scrunched up with confusion.

What was their name again?

"Are you going to go with me? Remember..!"
The voice claimed, smiling widely at me.

Some sort of discomfort occurred, but I didn't mind?

Who were they?

" don't remember?"

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