'My Date' (of birth)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️



High School AU

No one POV (3rd person)

Wilbur stood in front of Techno's bedroom door, staring at it while breathing heavily.

Yes, Wilbur had just run up the stairs to simply talk with Techno. However, that proved difficult once he realised that Wilbur had to ask a question.

It seemed innocent, but deep down, both of the two know they will rip each other's heads off.

"Ok..ok...hi Techno...so I was dumped last minute by my date..."
Wilbur started, scratching his head in frustration. How could he say that upfront?

The door suddenly opened and appeared an exhausted-looking teenager with a frown on his face upon noticing Wilbur.
The younger of the two froze in his spot, staring at Techno who gave a questioning glare.
"What are you doing here?"

Wilbur shrugged and stepped sideways, away from the door, allowing Techno to leave his room.
Techno stared at Wilbur for a solid minute, before taking a few steps out of his room.
"Is there something you want to say?"


"So...you just stood in front...of my bedroom door out of random?"
Techno folded his arms, confused by the situation by a mile. Wilbur panicked and nodded, smiling happily.

Techno stared at Wilbur with an unreadable expression before speaking.
"...if this is about my birthday-"

"Our birthday."
Wilbur corrected, taking a step back to lean against the wall sideways, to try to hide his nervousness.
Techno rolled his eyes.
"Yeah...if it's about that-"

"Please go to the aquarium with me."
Wilbur asked, cursing to himself. How stupid could he be to do that?!
No turning back now.

"What the fuck-"

"I was dumped last minute and I had already bought the passes and I can't return them now...and it's for today so..."
Wilbur fiddled with his fingers, not sparing a glance at Techno who was aghast.
Firstly how Wilbur never wanted to hang out with his family willingly.
And secondly, it was him who was dumped on a date, not the other way around.

And finally, because it was their birthday.
"You had a date on my birthday?!"

Wilbur sighed, and slumped against the wall tiredly, waving a hand at him.
"Our birthday Techno."

"What I'm saying is. Can you be my date to this aquarium...platonically! And, as a way to celebrate our birthday?" Wilbur spoke after a small silence shared between the duo, making Wilbur even more nervous than before. 

Techno stood staring at Wilbur, shocked by his brother's offer.
"Forget that! Who in the hell would dump a man like you?!"

He was going to rip Wilbur's supposed date's head off.

Wilbur smirked at Techno before sighing dramatically, placing a hand against his forehead.
"I'm flattered but I don't want to talk about it."

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