Just a Pen and a page

365 16 1

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Hybrid AU

No ones POV

It was a quiet day for the peculiar family.

A peaceful one.

A perfect one.

And definitely a perfect day to relax.


One always copies his brother.

Copies his style, movement and hobbies.
He usually does this to annoy the older one, but a specific hobby piqued his interest.

Doodling and writing.

He didn't know why his brother did this.
It was short lived for him, but for the other it was a source of comfort.

A source of how he writes or draws down his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Tommy stood high on the wooden balcony.

A tree house.
His family built this as some sort of activity for all of them. Philza doing most of the work as he had wings.
Yet, only Tommy stayed to use it.

Autumn was fast approaching and leaves were soon covering all of the small Treehouse.
Hence, this why Tommys here. To clean and tidy the place up.

"..so annoying.."
He kicked away a pile of leaves off the wooden balcony, watching them with amusement as they gently fell down.

Tommy took his small journal and and pen from his pocket to try quickly sketch out the scene.

His raccoon ear twitched when he heard sudden movement to his rear left.
Was it Friend?

A familiar voice spoke.

He turned to the direction and saw a bright red beanie traversing through the forest, then stopping beneath the tree.

"You prick, that's not how you tidy up!"
Wilbur shouted at the blonde from the bottom of the tree house.

"Is Techno here? Or Dadza?!"
Tommy ran into the tree house and practically leaped over all steps to get down to where Wilbur was.

Wilbur asked, flinching at the sudden thud coming from Tommy.

"Is Techno here? Or is Dadza!?"
Tommy repeated jumping energetically like the small child he was.
He was only reaching the age of 10 at this point.

"Really. Not excited to see me?"
Wilbur huffed at him, noticing how Tommy still held the journal and pen.

"Wait. You're still actually..?"
Wilbur giggled when pointing at the journal.

"..it's because I'm cooler than you! Plus, you rarely even do it so then I'm better than you.."
Tommy blurted out excuses, though failed miserably when Wilburs giggles turned to laughter.

"What's going on here?"
Tommy turned to another familiar friend.

"Techno! Help me please!"
Tommy ran to the taller twin, pointing at the Wilbur who was coughing at this point.

"Wait, is he ok?!"
Techno ran to Wilburs side, taking the situation the wrong way.
Tommy stared at him in confusion but ignored it when Philza appeared, flying in and curiously gazing at the three.

"Why are you smiling Wil."
Techno questioned, looking at Phil for support.

"He's fine Techno, he's just playing around with you."
Phil replies, giving a small high five to Tommy.

Techno shoved his younger brother with embarrassment.
"Can't believe I..."

"Let's all go to the tree house!"
Tommy cuts in, taking Philzas hand and dragging him over there.

Philza encouraged Wilbur and Techno to come along and that they complied.
Wilbur and Techno however trying to push or shove the other down the stairs.

"Boys, calm."
Philza gave out, disappointed when Wilbur gave a final push to piss off Techno.

"Dadza, can I draw you?"
Tommy innocently tugged on his sleeve, pen and journal in hand.

Philza turned to Wilbur and Techno, then at Tommy.
"..sure. Just try to be quick ok?"

Tommy smiled widely, dragging Philza again to a wooden seat for him to sit on.
Tommy collected all the things he needed, and sat down in front of the older man and began to draw.

"So, you really like it here Tommy..?"
Philza asks, staring at the smaller one who was hyper focused on the page.


"..do you clean this place up all by yourself?"

Tommy replies simply, looking outside to find Wilbur and Techno fighting with sticks.

"..good job bud. And what do you do here?"

"Relax, explore and that."
Tommy replies, huffing when the wind started to pick up.

Phil frowned slightly when the conversation was going nowhere.
"..Tommy, you want me to buy you something?"

Tommys raccoon ears perked up when he heard Philzas offer.
His eyes gazed at him then back at the page suspiciously.

"Feel like it, Wil and Techno had their fair share so.."
Philza says, wincing when he heard loud screams from Techno and Wilbur.

"I guess so, but I just want journals and pens."
Tommy asks simply, Philza smiling cheekily.

"What about another gift?"

Tommy popped the 'p', finishing his drawing happily.

Tommy showed the drawing to Philza. It was messily scribbled down but it had the intent of thought.

"It's wonderful Toms."
Philza took the drawing and folded it neatly into his pocket.

"Tommy, have you heard of disks?"
Philza asks, standing up and taking Tommys hand.


"Wonderful things that make beautiful sounds."
Tommys eyes glowed at that moment.

"I would like to see these..dics.."
Philza stared at Tommy in horror.

Perhaps he should teach him how to say some words correctly.

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