What's a Passion?

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Too adorable /j


Hybrid AU

Technoblades POV (1st person)

An overworld is a pretty place.
Way better than the Nether, it has been specifically 10 years since Phil 'rescued' me.

I'm now 13 years old, Wilbur as well.

Tommy is now 8, and Phil is 36 now.


Recently, however, Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil have been acting strange.

They have been more distant.

I do enjoy being alone, but I miss Wilbur and Tommy always being so clingy.
They still are, but not as much.

And now, I need answers.

Wilbur had mentioned the word 'passion' to me once before.
That's the first clue to what the hell is going on here.

I walked down the dirt path, first to find Phil.

I know he's always fishing down by the beach or lake.
And today, he decided the lake.

I began to run once I saw their familiar obsidian-like wings.

I saw him turn and give a surprised expression.

I reached him and looked at the bucket and fishing rod he had in his hands.
"You finished fishing?"
I asked him.

He gave a curious gaze at me.
"Yes..why do you want to fish with me?"

I shook my head.
"Those things wriggle too much."
I huffed at Phil who laughed lightly.

"Of course, then tell me a real reason why you're here?"
Phil asked, beginning to walk home, I followed him.

"Phil, what's a passion?"

"A passion?"

I nodded intently.
Philza Minecraft knows everything in the entire world, and he always has the right answer. I shall never doubt him in my life, ever.

"..who told you about that word?"
Phil asked, I frowned.

Was passion a bad word?

"No, no it's not bad Techno. I'm just curious, you barely ask me these things."
Phil smiled, watching a crow fly away.

"I got it from Wil, he wrote it on his book."
I responded.

"..well it means to have a strong love towards something or someone."
Phil explained, the house now insight.

I helped Phil put away all his fishing supplies, but I was still confused.

A strong love?

Sounds weird and cliche, like Wilbur.

Maybe I should ask him instead.


I knocked against Wilbur's bedroom door. He's always cooped up in there, making songs or whatever.

I heard the doorknob click open, and saw a sleepy-looking Wilbur.

I said, observing his room and himself.

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