Basketball lessons (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



College AU

Tommys POV (1st Person)

"I'm bored."
I whined, sitting with Wilbur and Techno on a picnic bench.

The two were having a serious conversation about 'Bitcoin' and I'm having none of that.

"Are you finished your food?"
Techno asks, taking a sip from his coffee they got earlier on.

I stare at the picnic table then at him. The table was filled with wrappings, all our food was finished except my cotton candy.
And I don't want to eat any more of it.
"Does it look like it?"

"Didn't know you were such a mood."
Techno scoffs, looking at the cotton candy then at me, trying to encourage me to take another bite.

"Shut up bitch-"

"Can we talk more about the statistics Techno?"
Wilbur asks politely, however not wanting me to speak.


I glare at Wilbur and Techno and sunk into the bench with frustration.
They've been at this for 10 minutes straight.

I heard Wilbur audibly sigh,
"If you finish your food we can go somewhere else."

"But I'm not hungry anymore-"

"You barely ate Toms."
Techno speaks, crossed arms and having a worried glance for me.
I frown back and stared at the ground.
"Doesn't stop me from not being hungry."

"What did you eat earlier then?"
Wilbur asks, poking my shoulder.


"Which was?"

"Pasta, and I ate all of it. Why so persistent?"
I speak, looking at Wilbur and sitting straight up.
However drawing marks on the picnic table with me finger.

"Wanted to double check.."
Wilbur says softly, I can hear him stand up from his seat.

I stand up as well, happier that we're now on the move.
"Can we go now?"

"Yeah sure, I have a place in mind."
Techno announces, already taking the lead.


Techno eventually leaded us to a basketball court.
So that's why Dadza wanted me to bring basketball..

"I'll take that."
Techno swipes the ball off my hands, already taking a position to shoot it into the hoop.

And with no effort, it went in perfectly.

"..fuck you."
I grumble, watching Wilbur jogged up to Techno, standing in position to defend the hoop.

1 v 1.

To be honest, I wasn't always one to be the athlete in the family, nor the most coordinated. So when sports is mentioned?

I'll stay by the sidelines.

"Tommy! Team with me, Technos cheating."
Wilbur shouted to Tommy who flinched at his name.

"You're just being a sore loser."
Techno replies to Wilbur, who simply rolls his eyes.

"..there's a difference."

"Look boys, I would love to but I have other things to..think about."
I excuse myself, although the two weren't fully convinced about my reply.

Techno repeats first, dribbling his was towards me and tossing the basketball, expecting me to catch it.

I merely dodged it with embarrassment.

Wilbur placed a hand on my shoulder with worry.
Techno however saw through my facade though, and started to quietly laugh to himself.


"I think he can't play basketball."
Techno says, picking up the basketball that rolled away.

"I can! I just don't want yous..yous to feel bad about yourselves when..when I beat!?"
I stutter badly, watching Wilburs worried look turn into a smug smile.

"The little raccoon can't"
Wilbur couldn't believe what he was hearing, I saw that he wanted to burst out laughing.

"Looks like it.."
I saw Techno smiled slightly and ran to the hoop. Wilbur following behind, only this time dragging me along.

"Tommy, allow the professionals to teach you how this is done."
Wilbur casually took the basketball from Techno and stood in front of me with pride. But Techno had other ideas.

"Ahem, I used to play in the team.."
He states, I stare at him.
Play in a team? Never knew that fact before.

"Yeah and? People liked me more there."
Wilbur talks back to Techno, who stood beside him.

"You were always on the bench.."
Techno sneers, looking at me with a 'is he serious' glance. I simply chuckle.

"But I was more entertaining than you~"

"Shut up."
They started bickering more and I just got sick of it.

"Can you guys hurry up?"
I ask, taking the basketball from the two. I then trudge my way to look at the basketball hoop.

I stare it in front of me and frown.

How the fuck do people even jump that high?

Wilbur walked to my side, whilst Techno stood beside the basketball hoop, eyeing me carefully.
"Let's start simple..hold it as do you describe it?"
Wilbur turned to Techno who shrugged, also not knowing how to teach.

Great. Now I'm the odd duckling.

"Maybe I can just..throw it?"
I suggest, ready to throw the ball as if it were a canon ball.

"My perfectionist self will cry if you throw it the wrong way."
Techno complains, crossing his arms and frowning slightly at me.

"Better than nothing though."
Wilbur tried to reassure, giving a small smile to me and I threw it.


Techno jogged to get the rouge ball, meanwhile Wilbur gave me some pointers on my stance and how I should throw it.

He passed the ball to Wilbur who caught it with ease.
"Second try yeah?"

"I'll ace this, watch me."
I say confidently, I threw the rough ball to the air and..


I tried again.




"One more try."


I throw the ball at the ground with frustration.
"This is getting on my nerves.."

"One more. You got this."
Techno says dryly, however trying to make me feel better. I frown at him and picked it up again.

"You got this Toms, remember that-"

"Practice makes perfect and all that bubbly stuff."
I sigh, staring at the hoof with full concentration.

I hear the small steps from Techno that was walking around the ring, the sound of the wind gently blowing to my left.
Perhaps I should aim for the board instead?

I throw.

And it perfectly went in.


I scream with victory, and Wilbur shouts with me.
Techno laughs at us.

"I fucking did it! Im the best baller out there! Im coming to take your place NBA players!"
I shout with joy, jumping around and running around the empty basketball court.

With my senses, I hear Wilbur and Techno laughing.

I enjoy basketball lessons.

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