(SPECIAL) New Years Day

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Swearing, cringe, interacting with readers (??) /j


"A new year, for more beer!"
Tommy screams aloud with excitement, Wilbur and Techno giggling from behind cheekily.

The sleepy boys sat on one sofa, each having their fair share of space.

"Toms, you're still young."
Philza says, slightly laughing however when Tommy huffed.

"Whatever, this year I'm totally getting all the women."
Wilbur scoffs at his brothers New Years resolution and turned to Techno.

The man shrugged.
"What do you want?"

"Just wondering, what is your New Years resolution?"
Wilbur smiles at Techno whom stared distantly to his right.

"Ask them, to the right."
Techno points to the right, and odd like symbol appearing.

"The fuck?"
Wilbur audibly gasps, turning to face and odd like screen.

"Hey guys, what's your New Years resolutions?"
Techno asks the screen, having a slightly cocky look.

Tommy also faces the screen, gasping aloud.

"My New Years resolution is to reach 20 million subscribers before this guy named George."
Techno explains, talking to the screen-like projectile happily.

"That's a bit much for a year right?"
Wilbur turns to Techno who shrugged cockily, chuckling to himself when Tommy pouted."

"Me and my army can accomplish anything."
Techno brags, turning to Philza, expecting to say his New Years resolution.

"I..I guess I'll try continue who I am?"
Philza slightly stutters, waving at the screen projectile happily, smiling cheerily.
Tommy pushed the man gently, scolding him about how 'cheesy' he's being.

"Well mine, is to continue being awesome!"
Tommy points out, expecting a sarcastic round of applause.

"My New Years resolution is to travel every single inch of the world."
Wilbur perks up, smiling at the screen wholesomely.
Tommy stood from his side of the sofa and angrily attacked Wilbur playfully.

"Let's repeat what we said earlier, what is your New Years resolution?"

Philza talks to the screen, staying silent for a response.
Tommy however was impatient.

"Bet, somebody wants to get money."
The rest laughed at Tommys comment, waiting for Tommy to return to his respected place on the sofa.

"Isn't that always on somebody's list?"
Techno speaks, eyes turning from the screen to Tommy who stuck up the middle finger for no particular reason.

"No! I think somebody wants to complete something personal. If so, keep going! We believe in you!"

Wilbur cheers from the other side of the screen, nearly getting pushed off the sofa from Techno.
"Look who's being all goody here? What happened.."

Wilbur scoffed, but continued to smile at the screen happily.

"Someone's resolution has got to be getting a lover."

Tommy spoke aloud, earning disappointing groans from everyone.
Philza, surprisingly, nodded approvingly.

"It isn't always about love, just go what your gut says! And always express yourself, never hide who you truly are."

Philza advises to the screen, earring a couple of awwwww's from the group.

"Dadza moment."
Techno teases, Wilbur gently slapping Technos shoulder.

"Hey! And if you want to fix a friendship with somebody, go for it now! Never wait for them, if you want them back you go get them!"
Wilbur shouts aloud, Tommy howling from the other side of the couch some motivation.

"Where did that come from?"
Philza turned to Wilbur who clicked his tongue.

"Dunno, just wanna help those out there."

"Speaking of help. We need games to play on New Years! Any help with that?"

Tommy asked a question this time, turning to the right and expecting to see some sort of icon.

"Probs won't do it, but I recommend betting."
Wilbur says, tapping his foot against the ground to get Technos attention who was staring off to the distance.

"I think we should head out now, the script says we got to."
Philza flicked a manuscript that magically appeared in his hand, causing the boys to jump.

"Script? We follow a fucking script?!"
Tommy screams aloud, also realising that he was also holding a manuscript.

The blonde screamed in terror and left the sight of the screen.

"Guess he followed it."
Wilbur shrugs, smiling to himself when realising he has another line to say.

"Hey guys, happy New Years! Have some blue!"
Wilbur pulled out a ghostbur-like impression, skipping away joyously laughing to himself.

Techno and Philza looked at theirs carefully, realising they do a duet.

"Uhh..Philza you are such a great father figure to me..what is this."
Techno threw the manuscript to the ground, crossing his arms and strutting away to not be in the screen.

Philza was left laughing to himself, he turned to the screen, dropping the manuscript on purpose.

"One last question for you all, what is a memorable time that happened when you were in this community in 2021?"

The man asks, smiling and waving at the screen happily.
"And one last time, happy new year you little shits!"

Philza waved and walked out of the sight of the screen, leaving an empty couch and a couple of pages on the ground.


Author here!

YAYAYAYAY new year!

Thank you all so much for the support and how much we have completed together!
This year, I am expecting much more activity on this app!

I wish those who are reading this have a wonderful day/evening/night and that you acknowledge yourself!

You are an amazing human being, and a strong one for completing the year 2021!

Love you all loads!

Until then dear friends :)

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