Replacement and Promises

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, Yelling/shouting, implied death/su!c!de


Dream SMP set

(Most of these don't actually happen in the actual SMP!)

Tommys POV (3rd person)

Tommy stood alone in his house.
Well not particularly alone, he just has unusual company.

Shroud the spider.
Pet, son, friend whatever you can refer to it.

Tommy looks at Shroud fondly.
"Hey man, what's up?"

He heard the spider hiss at him, but in a good sense.
Shroud faced the blonde.

Tommy sighed and sat down against his wall, still looking at the spider.
Shroud was slightly confused and turned away.

"Shroud I have to go somewhere, you alright with that?"
Tommy says, the spider replies with a hiss once again.

Tommy understood his claims.
"Yes, yes I'll try be back soon alright? Just a small visit to..."
He drifted away from his line, Shroud getting annoyed and tapping the glass.

"Yeah I will be back!"

*hiss, sksck*

"So what if it is Las Nevadas? Plus how do you even know?"
Tommy glared at the spider who gave him attitude. Rude.

*hiss, hiss hiss*

Tommy fell quiet at what Shroud said.
"Do you promise to come back?"

"..don't say that word ever Shroud."
Tommy stated, standing up from where he was.

Shroud gave a saddening look, clearly confused.

"That word, promise..say anything else, but that word ok? And that's a rule here."
Tommy commanded, Shroud staring at Tommy blankly and nodding.




Tommy hesitantly entered the bare desert.

The massive buildings and casinos were scattered across this desert, but one goal came on mind.

Wilbur Soot.

He hadn't visited him in a while, so why not stop by and see what he's up to?

He walked to where he last previously visited Wilbur.
Where they built the large penis, that was a 'happy' memory.

Tommys eyes widened at the sight.

Instead of a forest, a small caravan was built. Logs were placed around it to seem like walls, it looked way too familiar.

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