A Family Visit (1)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



College AU

Tommys POV (1st person)

I heard Dadzas voice call.

I shout back, somewhat confused as he rarely calls me like this.

"Down stairs please!"
Dadza asks still shouting and I stopped breathing for a second.

Did I do something wrong?

I groan at his final words and rushed to hide anything suspicious in my room.

Extra candy?
Hid that.

His spare bucket hat?
Hid that away as well.

Journals for no particular reason?
Hide that.


"Yeah..! Yeah I'm on my way.."
I sigh at the end, rushing out my room and down the stairs, and nearly tumbling over.

"Be careful Toms.."
Dadza sighs at the state of me, he was just outside the kitchen door and staring at me directly.

"Hi I guess.."
I mumble, him entering the kitchen and me following.
He says down on the kitchen chair whilst I stood beside a counter.

"Finished all your Homework?"
He asked.

I scoff at such a question.
He thinks I finished it?

I lied, tapping the counter impatiently as I'm wondering why he even wanted me here.

Dadza replies, taking the mug on the kitchen table and taking a sip from it.
I raise an eyebrow with suspicion.

"..is that all?"
I ask in a slightly annoyed tone.

"No, actually."
Dadza set down his mug and turned to meet him in the eyes.
I gulp at the sudden tension of the room.

"I'm dropping you off to the park to meet some friends."
Dadza smiled slightly at my astonished expression.

He always allows me to go out, but to make it a surprise must be something good.


"Yup, be quick though. They're quite the impatient ones.."
Dadza drifts away from the sentence still smiling mysteriously.
I lift away from the counter and to walk out of the kitchen.

However turning back to him who was still sitting in place.
"Ranboo and Tubbo-?!"

"No questions just hurry now, and do remember to give back my hat after using it."
Dadza advises, I gasp at his statement.

He knows?!

"How'd you-?!"



"Are we there yet..?"

He replies for whatever big number you would've thought of first.

I ask childishly, looking out the window bored.

"Quite soon, just after this turn then we're there."
Dadza says, looking at his rear mirror to look at me.
Something is up.

"Why plan such a thing?"
I ask innocently, looking

"You'll be surprised, though I'm slightly offended that they didn't want me to join yous."
I was suspicious of the man.
Wanting to join? I'm curious about what his plans are..

Does he want me to socialise?!
"You're too old to join."
I talk back, trying to calm down about the fact that he could've secretly signed me up to some 'fun activity' club.

"Excuse me?"
He says, eyeing me down in which I simply laugh.

"Remember to bring the basketball from the back ok?"
Dadza says after a turn around the corner, and halting the car.

"..I doubt we'll play that but-"

"Just in case yeah?"

He pushes further, me opening the car door with reluctance.
"So insistent..alright."

"..and if you want you can invite them over to our house."
Dadza adds in the end, not giving me any intel on where I should go.

"..yeah! Thanks so much Dadza."
I say though, watching him drive away.

I fiddled with the basketball, puzzled on what I should do now.
Is Ranboo and Tubbo going to arrive?
Are some weirdos going to approach me with some weird stuff?

I giggle at my weird thoughts as two certain figures caught my attention.

I clutched the basketball tightly.
My eyes widen.

No way.

They can't be there.

They can't be here.

One waved, them quickening their pace towards me.

They ran across the road without looking, but their target was me.

I mumble, aghast that he's actually here.

I pry away from Wilbur, but he tackled me to the grass with a hug.
I felt another pair of arms wrap around me but I wasn't nervous.

They're actually here.


And Wilbur.

We all stood there on the small hill, laying on the grass like idiots.

I said after a while, the warmth from the hug starting to get to me.

"Right! Sorry.."
Wilbur apologised first, standing up immediately and giving a small smile.

Techno followed, patting the shoulder and staring at me dead in the eye.
As if it were to check if I was actually there in time.

"..I miss you guys."
I say firstly, laughing slightly in disbelief.
It's been so long since I've seen the two of them both.

"So sappy.."
Techno mumbles, however smiling slightly.
Wilbur however was more emotional, desperate to hug Tommy again.

With silence, we all mutually agreed to walk around the empty neighbourhood.
Wilbur talking about his own band, and Techno explaining how his life has been.

I miss these idiots.

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