The Twitch Kids (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️


(Play the song for added effect if wanted!)


Band AU

Tommys POV (3rd person)

Tommy dragged his way to the table where his savior awaits him. His water bottle.

However, his nemesis was in the way. Ranboob.

" know I could pass it to you instead of trying to push me away..?"
Ranboo asked, him taking his savior and offering it to him.

Tommy took the bottle from his hand and took off a huge sip, thank every single god out there. Except for Ranboo, he would've been completely fine without him.

Tommy gulped down every bit of water in his bottle, his voice was hella raspy, and was embarrassed because of it.

They've been singing for hours now, 3 to be exact with no break, it was only then Tommy gave up his pride to decide to rest momentarily.

"Tommy man! The songs are good!"
Wilbur complimented, smiling widely.

Tommy shook his head,
"I guess, but it doesn't have what just doesn't!"
With distraught, he lied down on the ground with disappointment. 

Wilbur cocked his head towards the side.

"What he means is that it does have the energy he wants it to be, or the flare if you could call it. Like life, it has its ups and downs and since Tommy is kind of the main character here-"
Tubbo rambled on, Tommy and Ranboo absentmindedly nodding along. 

Wilbur could only give a curious gaze to Techno who was scrolling through his phone.

"You guys wanna eat something? It's already lunch and I'm hungry."
Techno perks up, starting to leave the garage to where the kitchen is. Wilbur gave a small, happy squeal whilst the minors start to clean up the garage.

"Bring us what Phil made us yesterday! It's in the fridge I think!"
Wilbur shouted to Techno, who responded with a 'yup'.

"Why do we even need food? Cant we just eat ourselves since we heal over time?! Plus, we are filled with vitamins and all that crap-"

"Alright Tubbo, time to take your nap now."
Ranboo hoisted the smaller one who continued to talk.

Tubbo moment.

Tommy and Wilbur were the last ones left, it was a peaceful silence for a few moments. 

Though Tommy was curious about something. "Wil?"


"..when will we tell Phil? Being serious here."
Tommy looked up to Wilbur who clutched his guitar tightly.

"I don't know Tommy..he doesn't seem-"

"But he supported you when wanting to go to a music-based university-?!"

"That was a long time ago, people change, everyone and everything changes Tommy. I doubt.."
Wilbur sighed and placed his guitar on the table where Technos was also sitting.

"! He's still Philza!"
Tommy protested, now standing up to face Wilbur properly.
"What, do you not have faith in Phil?!"

Wilbur opened his mouth to speak, but they both heard the door open. Techno with three bags of food.
"Did I..interrupt or-?"

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