This is meant to be

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Passion AU

Wilburs POV (3rd person)

Wilbur fell to the ground again, the hard wooden floor starting to become concrete for him.

"That's the third time you fell.."
Techno sighs, however offering a hand to help Wilbur stand up.

"Crutches are hard to use ok.."
Wilbur complains, taking Technos hand whom hoisted him up, guiding him back onto the bench he last seated on previously.

Wilbur buries his head with his palms and shakes his head.

"At least I wasn't the one to misheard the doctors when you actually thought you permanently broke your bone."
Techno playful teases, trying to ease the tension that's starting to settle in.

"I thought we wouldn't talk about that but anymore!"
Wilbur says with a groan.
But stared at Techno with sad eyes.

" My place in running career is now long gone.."
Wilbur sighs, taking the crutches from Techno and attempting to try properly walk with them.

"..I have an idea."
Techno brights up, pushing Wilbur back into his seat. He stared at his brother with frustration.
"What the fuck-?!"

"I'll go ask..Phil. And hopefully Toms.."
Techno jumps in the spot like a little kid, slightly scaring Wilbur with how much enthusiasm is involved.

"What the fuck are you on about Techno-?!"

"Wait here."
Techno points at his brother, and runs to the door to go inside the house.

Wilbur helplessly called out his name, frowning when he knew Techno is definitely not coming back for a while.

Wilbur sat on the bench, dumbfounded.

Him and Techno always practiced on the wooden canopy the family had owned.
And it was always a pain to perfect how to move properly.

Wilbur sighed and leaned back on the bench, pondering what Techno is planning.
After his thought, Techno dragged out a tired looking Philza.

Wilbur stared wide eyed at the blonde who also seemed just as surprised as Wilbur, only more drowsy.

"Phil. You can't go to the museum because you have to help Tommy find a tutor correct?"
Techno stares at the man for a long minute, Phil glancing at Wilbur for help.


"And you bought 2 of the passes to enter yes?"
Techno interrogates again, continuing to stare at Phil like he were about to run away at any second.

Phil responded quietly.

"Can me and Wilbur go instead?"
Techno gave a small, pout like face to try convince Phil who was slightly smiling at the sentence alone.

"..sure. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

"What museum?!"
Wilbur interrupted, Phil opening the door to go back inside the home. Techno did a small jump of victory.
"The only one here you dork."

"Get a move on you two, the tour is in an hour or two. I'll drive you both there."
Phil says lastly before entering the house. Techno looked at Wilbur with a genuine and happy expression.

Wilbur wanted to protest, but Techno only hushed him with his excitement.
"It's going to awesome."

"You dragged me into this."
Wilbur whined, taking the crutches weakly and banging them lightly onto the wooden floor.

Techno shrugs.

'Museums are the worst..'
Wilbur stared at Techno long and hard. This day may not be all that fun.


'A natural history museum.
Those ones with all the dead animals and skeletons? That one.'
Wilbur spoke to himself as Techno half-ran, half-walked through the exhibits with awe.

Wilbur sighed and stared at the giant whale hanging from the ceiling.
'If only I could swim away from my problems...'

"Enjoying the museum?"
A female voice spoke which immediately alarmed Wilbur.

He turned to his left and a slightly shorter women stood beside him, admiring the whale statue.

'Long, ginger curly hair, emerald green eyes, that vintage like clothing? she out of a Disney movie?'
Wilbur stared at her for a strange amount of time, worrying the woman slightly.

She asked Wilbur who blinked and slightly jumped in surprise, almost dropping the crutches because of this.
The women gave a worried step towards him, but simply forced a laugh.

"Yes! My brother brought me here?"
Wilbur panicked slightly with his wording, watching as she smiled softly at him.

"That's perfectly chance, does he have pink hair?"
She stared back at Wilbur, studying him even.
It made Wilbur tense up slightly at the mention of Technos description.
"You know him?"

"I see him regularly here, Technos his name, he talks about you sometimes actually."
She informs, Wilbur frowning slightly.


The woman immediately noticed the twist of emotion and smiled eagerly at him, trying to brighten him up.
"Is your name Tommy?"

Wilbur laughed softly, staring at her.
" that's the other..I'm Wilbur."

She laughed with embarrassment with the mix up, even making Wilbur smile with joy.
"My apologies! Let's start anew shall we, Wilbur?"

She extended an arm to shake.
"My names Sally Pule."

Wilbur took the hand and shakes it happily, letting go afterwards slightly tilt his head.

"Right, originally meaning Waterfall or rain. Can't remember what country or region it came from though.."
Sally explains, taking a small step closer to the whale statue.

"It suits you. It's..beautiful."
Wilbur blurts out, slightly hiding his face after realising what he had said.

"Thank you! I've never really liked it, but perhaps I'll reconsider it, what's yours?"
Sally asks him innocently.

He mumbles, watching as Sally's face turns to a childish laugh.

She laughs, slightly grabbing the attention of people passing by.
Wilbur tried to quiet her down but even he started to stifle a laugh.

"Let's not-"

"2 different and unique last names. Destined to be together eh?"
She nudged his side with her elbow, Wilbur gently pushing her away playfully.

Wilbur says to himself, silently watching her rant on about her knowledge of whales happily.

'This. This is meant to be.'

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