"I am a Faliure" (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️



Dream SMP set

(Most of these do not happen in the real Dream SMP!)

Technoblades POV   (1st Person)

"I'm a failure.."
A younger Techno appeared, Wilbur giggling with slight tenderness in his eyes.

"You aren't a failure! You're a learner!"

Younger Wilbur tries to persuade, only to hear a small sniffle from Techno.

"..b..but..but I failed.."
Techno continued, he wasn't crying, but he was upset.

Techno has just lost in a 'special' tournament and was just 2 points off. Traumatising.

"So! Failure is always the next step to success! That's why you're still learning right now, you always have something to improve on!"
Wilbur blabbered on, trying to lighten up the older one.



It has been weeks since Wilbur had died and blown up L'manburg.

I was upset by this, angry even.

But, it shouldn't get in the way of what matters, survival.
And boy does Tommy need someone or something to lean on.

Tubbo decided to take up the presidency and that's all I know.
Only those who are prestigious know what the others are doing right now.

I stroll around where I live, a snowy place which is my home, and Phils.

And also some random dude who Phil decided to 'adopt' for the time being.
The name is 'Ranboo'.

I heard Phil call for me, I rushed to where he was, outside where the crops were if he's getting attacked by a baby zombie I swear I-

"Mate, can you chop down some trees for me?"
Phil asked, I sigh in relief.

"Yeah..but why do you need it..?"

I asked. Phil replied with a smile.
"I want to build something."

"Very descriptive there."
I said sarcastically, getting out my ax.

Phil chuckled softly.

I walked down to where the crowded trees were, Phil specifically told me to not go to the forest right in front of us as it reminds him of 'her'.

Such a simp. But who is she?

I went far away from my home, I wanted to think.

I rarely think, all that rolls into my mind is:


'Blood for the blood god'


And more unimportant stuff.

But now, it's so..quiet. I love retirement.

I chopped down one tree,
what is Phil planning on doing right now?

I chopped the second one,
what is Ranboo doing?

I didn't notice I cut down a third and fourth one,
why did Tubbo choose to be president?
And what happened to Dream?

I cut down the fifth one,
How are my pets doing?

I cut down the sixth,
When will I explore more of this world?

Then I cut down the seventh,
Where's Wilbur?

This tree fell much harsher than the rest.
Or was it always like this?

I collected the wood from that tree, but the same question stayed in my mind,

where is Wilbur?

How is Wilbur doing?

Why did Wilbur do that?

Questions flooded my mind, it became from a peaceful area to a questionnaire showdown.

I imagined Wilbur in front of me.

A very realistic image appeared.

Wilbur still had the same beanie, the same charm he had when they were kids, Wilbur was..the same. Only older.

I wanted to hug him, to ask him so many things, to chat, to talk normally.

But the image disappeared.

Wilbur disappeared.

I sighed, he collected all the wood Phil had requested, but something wasn't..right.

I walked around more, the images from my head appearing more.

I saw a younger Wilbur, a happy one.

He hid behind the tree-like hide and seek. What we used to do, I wanted to break down at the spot. How weak of me.

I saw Wilbur, walking alongside me.

"..hey Wil.."
I whispered to him, I know he's not there.

he's dead.

"..I'm..sorry for not being the best..the best brother out there."
I stuttered, it's so embarrassing to do that, especially when talking to yourself.

"..I was always a weakling...I acted all tough. Which I was..but you were stronger.."
I wandered off, imagining Wilbur still walking alongside me.

I'm venting, complaining to 'Wilbur'.

I turn to my left, hoping my imagination won't leave me.
I only felt the gust of wind hit me, he left.

I sat down.

I realized everything now. How stupid I am.

I was talking to 'Wilbur'. An imaginative part of me.
But I never said those words to Wilbur, ever.
I said things I never really meant.

I'm a failure. I failed.

I'm a fucking failure.

I covered my face with my arms.

And cried.

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