Lazars are similar to Guns

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Actor AU

Tommy's POV (3rd Person)

He stomps on the ground with frustration, trying to bring through his sense of anger to the soon to be audience.

Tommy Innit, an actor in the making alongside with the cast to create an ongoing series called,

The Dream SMP.

He doesn't want to boast (which he always does), but he considers himself quite the quick actor in terms of acting.
He didn't attend those fancy Acting schools or colleges.

Neither did some of the cast.

That hurt his pride slightly, but in his option, he considers himself to be the main character in the series.

But Tommy will put aside his self-love talk for the meantime.
Currently, he is practicing a scene where he and his 'brother like figure' are fighting in Pogtopia, verbally.
And soon after, they must learn with a trainer how to use weapons.

His office door creaked open which made the teenager flinch on the spot.

An adult voice spoke up, smiled happily at Tommy who smiled back and placed away his script somewhere on his desk.

"Practicing already? Somebody wants to succeed."

"I for one, always succeed."
Tommy huffs, however giving his best charming smile to which the elder one could only laugh.
Tommys eyes widen as he realised he's talking with another cast member.
"Captain Puss..!"

The woman corrected him, now fully entering the room and glancing around quickly.
Posters about the show scattered the room, with occasional random paintings.

In the middle, Tommy sat on his desk and curiously gazed at 'Puffy' who wore a peculiar like pirate costume.

"Anyways..I didn't come here just to show off my outfit, I actually wanted to say that there's this meeting at the main recording. Something about shooting long range weapons.."

Tommy jumps from the desk and nearly falls while doing so, making her sigh at the sight.

"Did you read ahead of the script?"

Tommy pursed his lip and smiled with embarrassment.

Puffy looked at Tommy up and down, then at the script lying messily on the desk. She points at the script then at the door.
"..then..I recommend you head over there right now. It'll be a surprise."
Puffy starts to leave the room, however Tommy wouldn't allow that and nearly hits her with the script he had thrown at her.

It earned him a glare but long enough for Tommy to speak.
"Where are you going then?!"

"I'm having a talk with comrades Skep and Mr. Halo."
She explains, now exiting the door.
But, Tommy cringes at the odd nicknames she had given to the other members in the crew.

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