"You are wanted"

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



College AU

Technos POV (1st person)

"Yeah see you later guys."
I say this monotonous, leaving the discord call of Phil and Wilbur.
I heard a loud goodbye from Tommy, who was just in the background from Phil.

Me and Wilbur do go to the same college, it's just that it was unfortunate that we had different classes.

Him studying music, me studying and to become an English major.

It was obviously bound to happen, but it's just a little bit upsetting.
And to make my college experience even worse, it happened that our dorms are different buildings, meaning it would take just a small walk to even get there.

I stretched from my seat, being in college is tough and stressful, and thank goodness my 'roommates' went out to some party.

It's near the end of autumn so I could kind of see their point, unless there was some sort of birthday going on that I wasn't invited.

I looked at my phone to see a message from Wilbur.

Wilbur aka Wilby

Hey man! You sounded a little down during our call, you ok?

I smiled at his consideration.
I text back.

Technoblade aka Blood God

Yeah I am

I knew Wilbur wouldn't believe me, but you don't want to break a poor brothers heart.

Wilbur AKA Wilby

You want me to come over to your dorm?

Technoblade AKA Blood God

It's really late man, I'll see you tmr

I turned my phone off and put it in silent mode.
I just want to be alone with my thoughts.


I heard Wilbur shout out my name, I saw him run through the crowd of people who looked at him weirdly.
He's embarrassing himself!

I say this normally, though I was really tempted to also shout his name.

"Don't you have classes-"

"You dumb fuck! It's the holidays dumbass!"
Wilbur was now in front of me, smiling happily.


"..so do you know what that means?!"
Wilbur really wanted me to guess, we're only off for 2 weeks, what's with all his energy today?


"We're visiting Tommy and Phil now! You are so clueless it's stupid."
Wilbur chuckled lightly, staring at my hand filled with books.
Wilbur frowned at the sight.

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