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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Hybrid AU

Philzas POV (3rd person)

Phil had always adored nature, he is, himself part of it to be honest. He is half bird!

Even his supposed 'sons' are connected to nature.

Wilbur being a half mer-man or siren, they all don't know the exact breed he is,

Technoblade being half-pigman,

And Tommy being a hybrid of a raccoon.

To be fair, handling kids is quite the challenge, however bringing them to new places is the new best feeling he will ever experience.

The way their faces lighten up at anything new, it's way too adorable.

When he brought Wilbur to that one coral reef cove, Wilbur visited that place everyday since then.

When he brought Techno high above the mountains and a gold of treasure at the end (Phil made that himself), Techno walked there every now and then.

When he brought Tommy to the forest, not the one beside them but quite the distance, and discovered an apple orchid, Tommy would go there every once in a while as well.


Phil had never brought the 3 all together at once for a journey together, purely because he thought it would be way too chaotic.

But, you never know until you try right?


Phil walked into the kitchen, him already fully dressed and all that.

It was turning to dusk, and Phil being all smart, he knows it'll be a starry night.

His 'sons' walked in, all wearing their all comfortable sort of wear.

" why'd you summon us here Phil?"
Techno started, looking outside the window.
"Taking is hunting?"

Phil responded, he's in a childish mood today, why not let them guess.

"Don't tell me we have to.."
Wilbur sighed disappointingly, Tommy smirking at them.
"Well, since I'm obviously the smartest here-"

Wilbur scoffed at that.

"We are going out somewhere, and Phil has decided to bring me! So of course I will gladly-"

"Actually we're all going."
Phil interrupted, them all making surprised faces.

"...interesting..but sounds fun."
Wilbur said, smiling.

"Sounds chaotic, I'm in."
Techno said this, saying it in a monotone voice, but looking excited.

"Oh yeah!"
Tommy jumped up in the air with joy, his raccoon tail nearly whacking Techno and Wilbur.

Phil smiled at his boys, they're going to have the time of their lives.


"Are we there yet?"

"Will you ever shut up?!"
Wilbur complained, Tommy had asked that question for the millionth time this day.

"We actually are here now."
Phil showed them a bench sitting in the middle of the forest, however the view mostly being sky itself.

The trees around them were decorated with lamps and fairy lights, Phil had bought them all in town with Tommy.

The path they walked on had a small barrier of rocks, and sometimes even seashells, Phil gathered them when him and Wilbur were at the Coral Reef cove.

And the bench was engraved with gold, Phil had taken just a few to create this and was from his and Technos mountain exploration.

These are the small details Phil loves the most.

Tommy ran to the bench, nearly tripping over the carefully laid rocks.

"It's so...pretty.."
Wilbur said, admiring everything.

"..did you do all this Phil?"
Techno asked, trying to keep his composure unlike Wilbur and Tommy who were too overjoyed.

"All for yous three, it's alright Techno, you can be happy."
Phil said, patting the back of Techno, trying to encourage him to the others.

He gained a wide smile from Techno, running towards his brothers who were fighting on where they'll sit on the bench.

Phil walked along the path he created, he should be proud of what he had did.

"Phil! Sit in the middle!"
Wilbur waved, a clear enough spot for Phil to sit down.

Tommy was pouty however, he was at the edge of the bench and nearly falling off.

Noticing this, Phil shook his head,
"I'll stand, thank you though mate."

Wilbur turned back around, filling up the space Phil was supposed to sit in. Tommy pushed him away to properly sit down.

Techno sat at the left from the bench quite awkwardly, Phil decided to stand next to him, comfort you can describe it.

"Phil! That's a big star!"
Tommy pointed to the endless end of white dots in the sky.

"Actually, they're all big."
Techno said, staring in awe at the sky.

Tommy continued to rant about how much he knew about astrology, how he was destined to become a star.

Surprisingly, Wilbur was a huge nerd when it came to stars, telling all about their past and that.

Him and Tommy were bickering about stars, quite the entertainment.

Phil and Techno were admiring the sky, but Phil had just a slight change in his face.


One day, he'll be in the stars.

Phil will be become a star, looking down at his sons.

And possibly, they'll be looking up at him as well.

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