Colours brighten me up, try it!

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Artist AU

Philzas POV (1st person)

I stare at my empty canvas blankly.

My setup was perfect.
Various ranges of paint, brushes, tools, even I sat on my personal stool of thought, but something wasn't..right.

I look around my art room for inspiration.

It was filled with ink or pencil drawings, sometimes pen.
It was only the colours of black or blue, dark colours. Definitely didn't help.

The drawings I made hung on the wall, I was perplexed on how many I made over the course of a few weeks. Was it a month already?

I stare at my tools once again, perhaps I can do another pen drawing.

The voice yelled.

Other voices followed after faintly, I smiled slightly at that.

The door to my room was trying to be opened, though I locked it for peace. Turns out even with a lock I can't hide forever.

"Can we come in please?!"
A voice pleaded.

"Don't force the old man-"

I shouted back, hearing small giggles from the other side.

I walked to my door.

I wanted to give some tension, to possibly try brighten up the mood.

"Can you open it already?!"

I popped the 'p', opening the door to see them.

Tommy, Wilbur and Techno.

Wilbur pushed passed me to admire my art room. Techno and Tommy followed after, not even a greeting..

Tommy and Wilbur exclaimed together, running around the room. Techno stood near the back, taking a peculiar internet in one of my drawings.

"Phil! Phil can I draw?!"
Tommy asked, walking to my empty canvas and taking some paint brushes.

"No Tommy, not yet at least."
I approached him, taking the brushes out of his hand. He huffed at me.

"No fair!"

"Phil can I have a sketchbook?"
Wilbur looked at my desk filled with drawings. I sighed at him.


"How come he gets something?!"

"You as well Tommy.."
I smile slightly when Wilbur and him laugh in victory.
I glance over to Techno, somewhat frowning at the drawings.

"Techno? You ok mate?"
I ask, walking to where he stood. A scribbled drawing of mine that I decided to hang up on a wall.

He hummed in confusion, staring at the drawing.

"Why are all of these so...dark.."
Techno said a loud, looking at me sadly.
My eyes widen in surprise. Of course the older one had to figure it out.

Techno was worried now, glancing at Wilbur and Tommy who were messing around with my art supplies.

"It's alright-"
I try to reassure, but a small smirk appeared. What is he planning?

"Wilbur! Tommy!"
Techno called their names, them curiously looking at us.

He brushed pass me, looking around for an empty canvas somewhere.
Technos eyes then focused on the canvas I was staring at before.

I saw Techno hand out some pencils and they stared at the empty canvas I was looking at before.

"Phil, leave at once. Our creativity only works when you are gone."
Techno says mischievously, Tommy and Wilbur giggling from behind.

"..what are you..?"

"Run along Phil, us artists need to work in peace."
Wilbur says, walking up to me and trying to push me towards the door.
Techno nodded at his sentence, Tommy already sketching on the canvas.

"Just because I taught you how to draw doesn't mean-"
I try to protest, knowing I'll still leave either way.

"Then this is our...assignment! You know to prove that we're awesome, but I know we already are so-"
Tommy says, nearly knocking over some paint during the process.

"Fine, fine I'll go.."
I leave reluctantly, hearing the jeers from the three.

What are they up to?


I knock on the door.

I haven't been counting, but if I were to guess it's been an hour or so.
And knowing them there's 2 outcomes.

1. They made a mess out of the art room

2. They decided to drew something (together)

I hope they decided to do the second option.
I see the door creak open and it's surprisingly Techno.

"May I..enter now?"
I ask, gently pushing the door open slowly.
Shockingly, Techno allowed me to enter.

"We decided to brighten up this place a bit."
Techno explained, me noticing how all my pencil drawings and ink drawings disappeared.

"Where did they all..?"
Techno pointed to a nearby corner. All the drawings were piled neatly. I nodded with respect.

"Look what I made!"
Tommy pointed at a drawing with many colours splashed on to the paper.
In the middle was an outline of what seemed to be a crow.

"Actually what we-"
Wilbur tried, but Tommys protests were no match.

Different drawings surrounded the room. Obviously done in a rush as it was messy. But it somehow fit.
I admired the room, it had a very different aura than it had before.
It was warm, nice, cozy..

Techno called for my name, frowning?

"You ok?"
I ask, Techno staring at me in the eyes.

"Those drawings, they have a deeper meaning right..? The one with the scribbled background and.."
He whispered sadly. I look back at Wilbur and Tommy who were bragging on about their art.

"That's correct, but you fixed everything now. Thank you Techno.."
I whisper back, seeing a small smile form.

"Thanks you guys, maybe I should bring you here more often.."
I considered, seeing all their faces brighten up.

Who knew colours could change the mood so easily?

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