Not all angels are good

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, mentions death


Guardian Angel AU

Tommys POV (1st person)

It's actually a beautiful place, clouds, shines things, pretty much awesome. had to do some dirty work to stay in line..


He called out for me, not him again. He's so clingy.

"What now?"
I huff, him chuckling in response.

"You have a duty now Toms, and the best in the biz...a guardian Angel!"
He exaggerates near the end, him imagining confetti thrown to the air.
I scoff at this man.

How come he gets to command my every move when I've been here longer than him!

"I say you do it-"

"Direct orders man, come on this person is just..stressed."
He says, me sighing.

"Then you do it then, you're quite the talker even if you're the newbie here."
I talk back, staring at the mans abnormally larger wings than mine.

"I.. please. I know them, personally please.."
He says desperately.

I raise an eyebrow.
He knows this person, this will get interesting.

"You know them..?"
I ask again, making sure my ears didn't deceive me.

"I do-"

"Tell me about them!"
I shout, getting closer to him.

Now I'll be the most dominant then.

"No, absolutely not-"

"Oh well..I was about to actually do the job-"
I sigh, however he just 'tutted' at me.

"Even if you won't, I bet other people here can convince you, higher ups I mean."
He says, smirking knowing he's right.

I groan in annoyance.
"Fine! But if I make this person happy you better pay me back by telling your name."

He smiled at the end of the deal, I know I'm gonna win.


In these kind of jobs, the so called guardian Angel is never or rarely seen whilst doing their own job.

So as soon as I flew down into this unknown persons house, with no experience nor knowledge of this person, I expected to work in peace.

I look around the room, messy as fuck.
Reminds me of my room back in my previous lifetime.

"Who are you."
The person stared at my direction, I turned behind me. No one.

He must be on something to say something.

I walk past the man, observing his room more closely.
Judging by the aura coming off it, he's definitely going through grief.

"What are you doing?"
The man asks, he's probably role playing to himself.
He's that crazy isn't he?

"Talk to me."
The man demanded, getting slightly aggressive when he pulled out a small dagger.

Pointing at me.

The fuck?

"Wait, you can see me?"
I ask, pointing at the dagger in interest.

"Judging by your...attire I can clearly see you. You stand out like a sheep a pool for ducks."
The man states, slightly disappointed by his own example.
I laugh at his statement, though offended when he commented on my clothing.

"Fuck you, my style is..or my attire-"
I say that word sarcastically, him groaning in annoyance.

"Just get out, I can't believe I left my window open.., heck, how did you even get in here-?!"

"Talk about that later, look at this!"
I stopped him, spreading out my wings to show that I'm an Angel.
A handsome one, he better appreciate my very presence.

"...ok? Cosplay is pog, but definitely not in. My. Room."
The man responds, however slightly in awe with my wings.

He's fucking stupid for an adult, teenager? What is he? Who is he?

"But these are real-!"

The man scoffs, walking towards me to try push me out.

"Don't you fucking touch me."
I shout, getting sick of this man. If he won't believe me the easy way, I'll do it the hard way.

I now started to flap my wings, and to make it even more better, phasing through every single piece that he owned.

I phased through them.

The bed?
Same thing.

It was as if the house were a whole illusion.

And to add even more effect,
I fucking glowed.

"..what are..?"
He opened his mouth, but I spoke much more louder than him.

"I'm your guardian Angel bitch, and you treated me the wrong way. Jeez why do I-"

"Guardian Angel?"
His face was still in awe. At least he respects me a bit more now.

I stopped my flying and glowing and stood properly, realising I'm slightly taller than him.

I'm taller than everybody but this was depressing.
I snort at him, the man now glaring at me.

"For an Angel, you're quite rude."
He says, sighing when I observed his room in much more detail.

"Call me the almighty Tommy, wife haver and-"

"Names Techno."
Techno cut me off, already disappointed with me and his interaction.
He should be proud to even be in the same room as me.

"Be grateful, some bitch boy wanted me to take care of you."
I complain, remembering the snarky smile he gave to me before I left.

"Then they definitely chose the wrong guy."

"He acts like he knows everything! He's only been in..heaven for like..a month?"
I ranted on, slightly happy I can talk freely. However Technos expression showed otherwise.

A frown?

"..a month?"

"Yeah! And he's all like.."
I ponder for a moment, wondering how I'll impersonate him.

"I'm blah blah blah, do this because the higher up said so-"
I say, dropping my voice very low.

"What do they look like?"
Techno continues to question.

I stare at Techno wide eyed.

"What did they look like?"

"..that's weird..ok since I'm your lord and saviour I shall grant thee-"

"Just tell me..please..?"
I whine at him not wanting to play along. But I can see through him.

He's in distress?

I'm just that intimidating.
"..Hm..brown curly hair, I think he wore glasses at one point? They seem fake though.."
I say aloud, questioning even myself about the angel's appearance.

Techno asks once more, however giving an apologetic look towards me.

"What's with..? Ok..they're only a few centimetres taller than me..maybe taller, but that's aside the point. Why do you want to know?"
I stare at Techno at the end, getting annoyed with all his questions.


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