No u <3

604 23 9

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, slightly violent


Tommy's POV (3rd person)

Tommy does not want to be here.

They're currently at Tecos, doing their grocery shopping or something.

Tommy was overly bored, his brain couldn't function on how bored he is.
His phone is low battery, Techno had gone to the vegetable aisle to probably get potatoes, Wilbur had gone to the fish section and could've sworn he saw him and a salmon have an intimate moment, and Phil was doing the shopping.

Then there's Tommy. Tommy was left to decide anything breakfast-related.
At first, he thought this would be exciting because of Wilbur, but now he ran off to some fish.

Tommy sighed disappointingly and look at all the cereal boxes in front of him.
Wither pops and creeperflakes (awww man~) was his main options.

He wanted the Wither Pops but then again the Creeperflakes do have an 'explosive' taste.
He stood there for a long time, stepping closer.

He extended his arm to reach for the Creeperflakes but accidentally bumped the cereal called 'Cap'n Puffy' which fell to the ground spilling.
It fell beside him,

Tommy shouted instinctively, crouching to the ground and attempting to try to clean it up.

He heard steps coming towards him, Tommy expected a worker to offer his help or ask what he did but was faced with a woman.

The woman was in her mid-50s, wearing a leopard printed cardigan, and looked quite posh. She's probably rich.

"Hey uh, can you help-?!"

"What is your right mind made you swear like that!"
The woman said to Tommy, she looked pissed which scared Tommy slightly.

"I...I'm sorry ma'am I just dropped-"

"But why say such a word in this place?! Unacceptable!"
Tommy stood there confused, it's only a swear word and you could ignore it anyway..?

"Look miss, I apologize but I have to-"
The woman approached Tommy closely, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Not with me now! You are coming with me!"

Her voice got louder and it could be obvious that she was yelling at this point.

He wanted to tell her to just back away and all that, but she seemed serious about this, stupid.

Wait, are these women called 'Karens'?

This annoyed Tommy even more, the woman he is highly wary about is now talking to him or giving out to him per se.
He was tempted to get out his phone and record her but remembered that it's low battery. How lucky.

"Are you listening to me?!"
She yelled at him once more, he wanted to cuss her out but is way too nice to do so.

"No, anyways I have to go-"
He was dragged down to her, she was holding him by the ear and it hurts.

"I'm going to tell your crimes to whoever owns this place."
She snapped, proceeding to drag him down the aisle by the ear.

He had to follow her steps to save himself, but where are Techno, Wilbur, and Phil?

He cried out but she had a firm grip, if he pulled any harder he might've ripped his ear out.

He recognized that voice anywhere, he frantically looked around and saw the music boy running to him.

Tommy screamed out, now this woman has to let him go, she's been caught in 4K *click*!

"I..can you let my brother go? Now."
Wilbur tried to act nice, but knowing Wilbur he easily read what happened.
Tommy could only smile smugly temporarily, but the woman kept a firm grip on his ear.

"He said something terrible, I am merely going to where he'll learn his lesson."

"Which is..?"

"The owner. The owner will happily do something about this...thing."
She explained, once again yanking Tommy down by the ear.
Is she enjoying this? Evil. A maniac.

"I appreciate that, but I and my family will handle this, so maybe you could just let him go and-"
She ignored Wilbur and continued to walk her way to where the cashiers are.

Tommy gave a pleading look, save him already!?

"Excuse me."
A deep voice was heard, he knows that anywhere, 'Techno! The blade! The blood god!'

Tommy shouted out happily, she's bound to give up now.

"Mates, what's going on here?"
He heard another voice, the double trouble has arrived, Phil and Techno.

"Please, let Tommy go. Now."
Techno demanded, approaching the woman. She did, and surprisingly, removed her grasp from the blonde who covered his ear in pain.

"And why would you do that Miss?"
Phil asked in a threatening tone.

"He said something cruel and not allowed in this store! And he ignored what I had said and tried to attack me so I-

"Tommy, mind explaining your point of view?
She opened her mouth to speak but Wilbur bet her to it, smirking.

"Well, I was getting us food as I'm so nice, and I accidentally dropped one of the boxes. Me being the best man, I attempted to clean it up but then this b...beautiful lady.."
Tommy grimaced at that, Tehno and Wilbur silently chuckling.

"..she scolded me for no reason, I tried to apologize to her but she resented and pulled me by the ear to complain."
Tommy explains, smiling at the Karen's face.

"Good enough for me."
Techno said, whispering something to Phil and Wilbur.

"Hey Tommy, mind paying all of this for us? We would like this..lady."
Wilbur said, taking the shopping cart from Phil.
Tommy gave a confused glance between them and the 'Karen'.

Tommy took the cart and carefully made his way to the register, turning back to where the lady and others were.

She's so dead, but sadly he couldn't see that happen.

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