Hurts like Hell

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, yelling, attempt and mention of suicide (pills)


Passion AU

Wilburs POV (1st person)

It may sound strange at first, but I always had a burning passion for running.

Music, playing and creating music is obviously at the top as well, but when I'm stressed and can't focus at all to even play an instrument, I run.

The way your body burns, and the feeling of exhaustion is what I strive for. Strange isn't it?


"I'm out for today!"
I yell through the halls of our house. I'm going to run today, I'm not stressed but I just need the fresh air right now.

I head a small yes from Phil which made me smile immediately.

I walked towards the front door,-
However the stomps from upstairs came running down to where I am.


"I'm coming with."
Techno said briefly, already dressed in similar clothing to what I'm wearing to go out and run. Strange.


"Need to get something, don't worry I won't disturb you that much."
Techno explained, waving away Tommy who tried to peek in on what we had to say.

The blonde grumbled in annoyance and yelled at me to beat this 'Blood God' at running, of course I will.

I turned back to Techno.
"Emphasise the 'that much' Techno."
I scoffed at him, he went to the door I was at and opened it.

"Come on, we can bond a little."
Techno said this way too monotonous that it sounded way too sarcastic.

"Yeah whatever."
I stepped outside and stretched a little, plugging in my earphones and played my own music, how can you not adore your own music?

"This will be my small little warm up, try keep up Techie!"
I teased at him, starting to jog to where I usually run, the park.

I turn to find him running after me.
"You little shi-"

I just laugh, he can try to keep up but he'll never catch me!


Techno screamed at me, I rubbed around this park for about 30 minutes or so, and I was just getting into it.

I slowed down my pace so that Techno could jog beside me.
"What is it?"

Techno said this, smirking slightly. How annoying.

"..hello I guess."
I say this reluctantly.

"So, I overheard that there's this new running competition or whatever."
Techno said this, my eyes lit up instantly.

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