Philzas Past, Beach episode (4)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

mentions drowning, Yelling


Hybrid AU

No one's POV

It has only been a few months since Tommy has become part of the family.

Immediately, Wilbur was the first to become close to Tommy with his charm.
For Phil, only a couple of weeks since Tommy considered him "angry crow father".

And finally Technoblade.

Oh gosh.

Tommy was terrified of Techno, always running to Wilbur or Phil when he saw him. It did pierce Technos heart because he was seen as "scary".
But now Tommy adores Techno, now that Tommy knows he's good with any sort of weapon, even fists.


Tommy was running to him, Techno was practicing with a bow right now.
He lowered his arrow and gave a sympathetic look to Tommy.


"Philza wants us at the food place!"
Tommy tugged on Technos's sleeve, attempting to try to take the bow as well.

Techno watched the poor kid, though smiling that he called a kitchen, 'the food place'.
"..that's called a kitchen Tommy."

Tommy said, thinking he said it correctly.

He did try, he did.

"...let's just go now-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Tommy was already running off with Technos arrows, screaming out toddler words, or things.

Techno groaned, chasing after the raccoon who was surprisingly quicker than he expected.

Tommy yelled, Techno now realizing that they're close enough to their home.

"..Tommy!? Techno.!?"
Wilbur was at the door of the house, obviously trying to figure out what happened. Techno glared at Wilbur with frustration, wanting help.

Wilbur noticed the arrows that were in Tommy's hand, before chasing him Phil came behind Wilbur.

Phil called for the small raccoon hybrid that tried to sneak away.

"Tommy! Give those back to Techno mate!"
Tommy whined in annoyance and grumpily stomped back and gave Techno his arrows.

Techno grabbed them from Tommy, watching the blonde scramble into the house with Wilbur waiting for Techno to come inside.

"That little raccoon..."
Techno complained, walking up the steps to meet Wilbur who was smiling.

"He's just a kid, hopefully, he won't be too troublesome when he gets older!"

"Emphasis on that hopefully."
Techno replies miserably. Wilbur chuckled softly.

The 'twins' walked into the home and made their way through the house, now in the kitchen. Or in Tommy's phrasing, the food place.

Wilbur first sat down on his seat, but Techno decided to keep standing, leaning on a kitchen counter.
Techno always thought he was cool when he did this, he looks awkward.

"So what do you have to say, Phil?"
Techno asked, grabbing a glass from the cupboard.

"Well, since I don't have anything else to do, I want to go to the beach with you boys today!"

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