Our Suspect

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, mentions of blood


Superhero/Villain AU

Tommy's POV (3rd Person)

Tommy stormed upstairs, hearing the whispers from his family that were in the kitchen.
He was confused and definitely upset, knowing fully well his family won't hesitate to kill him.

He entered his bedroom, and silently closed his door. Tommy didn't want to show his frustration, or expose that he's the villain they're hunting down.

The situation had turned from wanting to see his family and know them more, to them needing to kill him.


The Poisoned Sage.

Is now on the run.


"Us detectives and policemen are now on the hunt for the Poisoned Sage whom has miraculously disappeared.
Rumours spread that they ran away, others plot for all our demise, yet heroes think otherwise.."
Tommy stared at the TV screen intently, nodding along with the news reporter and Detective the woman was interviewing.

He was now sitting on the sofa in the sitting room.
Tommy was researching himself, wondering if he should make a reappearance or stay low.

He held his own journal and pen, and currently has notes on what other interviewers had said about him;
Retard, bastard, afraid, and even a child.

Tommy himself was surprised by the use of language used in some interviews, but he won't be the one to judge.

Notes on what, other heroes had thought of him;
Again, a bastard, villain, monster, and a dangerous being.
He took that as a compliment.

And finally, notes on where civilians had last seen him.
Tall building, banks, and suspiciously near the headquarters of the agency SBI. Tommy finally realised how stupid he was to not be stealthy.

While watching the news reporter interview local civilians, there entered Techno and Philza.
Tommy turned to them curiously, already knowing they have arrived
way earlier than they're supposed to.

Techno had his comfortable clothing on, whilst Philza wore his armour he usually wears during battle.
Suspiciously enough, something was off between the two in Tommy's opinion.

"What are yous doing here?"
Tommy asks, side-eyeing Philza and Techno.

"Sent home early."
Techno replied, taking his own seat on the sofa and slumped down, watching the TV. Tommy could only frown.

"Then where's Wilbur?"

"He had to stay for an interview."
Philza responded, Tommy only huffed and pouted at Techno hoping for a better explanation.

Techno continued to stare at the TV with a smirk, Tommy sighed and glanced at it. Only to see Siren smiling at the interviewer.

"..no way.."
Tommy could only gasp, watching Siren happily answer the interviewers questions with no issue.

"We're getting swarmed everywhere from the citizens, asking if we had caught the culprit yet."
Philza sat down on the sofa as well, staring at the TV along with Tommy and Techno.

Tommy's mouth hanged open, still staring at Siren whom only continued to smile.

"Why's that bitch there?"
Tommy asks with a slightly frustrated tone, slowly hiding away his pen and journal.

"Like we said, interview. Plus, I wanna see how he'll respond with their questions."
Techno replies sarcastically, slightly smiling when Tommy sighed dramatically.

"Seems like he's already doing well.."

"Trust me, he was much more nervous earlier on."
Philza adds, standing from his previous seat and heading to the kitchen.

"Siren, would you mind to give us your opinion on the Poisoned Sage? Any thoughts about them?"
The interviews voice asked him. Tommy saw Siren pause for a moment of consideration.

"I would say, Poisoned Sage..I actually don't know. But all I know is, I will do whatever I can to stop that..thing from flying and messing with proper peoples work and effort."

Tommy heard Techno scoff from his side of the room.

"And he told me that he could name out every bad word about that villain. Such a wuss."

"Every single bad word..?"
Tommy frowns, realising that his supposed bonding experience had gotten no where and only made his family hate his other persona more.

"That's what he told me, even rehearsed what he was going to say. Can't believe he chickened out."
Philza re-entered the room with a small smirk on his face.

"If he did, Wilbur would've probably had been cancelled."
Philza says, Techno only slumping more into his seat.

"Dadza! How dare you say Sirens true name out in public!"
Tommy tries to distract himself from the TV, standing from the sofa and marching his way over to Philza who only smiled.

"And how dare you, write on some journal without me knowing."
Philza replies, the smile continuing to grow.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, staring at the man.

"Techno, get it."
Philza commanded, staring at Techno.

Techno hesitated at the sudden command and gave a silent apology to Tommy.
The pink man dashed for the journal, Tommy miserably trying to stop him.

Techno then stood beside Philza in a somewhat protective stance. Tommy could only watch his 'father figure' flick through the pages with a questionable look.

The journal snapped shut, and Philza only glared at Tommy.

The blonde glanced at Techno for some help, but he only stared back menacingly.

Tommy looked at Philza more closely, only to discover a small smile tattooed on his neck.

Tommy pieced it together and shook his head with sadness.
"Why...are you doing this, Dream."

He spat the last words out venomously, glaring at his 'family members' angrily.

'Philza' frowned at Tommy's comment and took out a face mask smiling creepily.
Only then when 'Philza' placed the mask on did it reveal their true identity.


The masked man could only smile again at Tommy's reply, handing over the journal quite roughly to Techno.
"Great senses, just like The Poisoned Sage."

"Why are you accusing me? What about all the training we did together?"
Tommy fights back, glancing back to Techno who was dumbfounded at the current situation.

"Correct, but suspiciously The Poisoned Sage has a..very similar fighting style alike to you.."
Dream spoke, taking out his axe and pointing to Tommy.

"Dream, this was not part of the plan."
Techno stepped in, walking towards Tommy's side.
However, Tommy stepped away from the two angrily.


Tommy protests, glaring at them accusingly.
Although he is The Poisoned Sage, it made no sense to him why he's hurt.

Nobody trusted him? Perhaps.

The room stayed silent, the background noise being the Tv quietly playing.
All eyes on Tommy, awaiting his next move.

"I can't believe this.."
Tommy sighed to himself, immediately storming out the living room. He ignored all the calls from Techno and Dream demanding he should get back there.

Tommy could now, only trust himself.

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