Speak of it

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Terrible use of old English /j


Romeo and Juliet/
William Shakespeare (?) AU

Tommys POV (3rd Person)

The Montagues and the Capulets.
Each holding a deep and interesting grudge against one another.

No one specifically knows why or when this appeared.
But rumours spread like wildfire.


'twere a simple after noon, till at town square something had befell.
A fight broke out, disturbing all's and everyone and at this point i'm just tired of it.

He lifted his quill from the journal and pondered.

Tommy turned to the small dagger left behind at the fight.
He didn't know why he took it, but it'll be good to add it to his collection box.

One of his brothers called.

Without hesitation, he scrambled away his items and hid them under his bed.
He grabbed a nearby book and placed it on his desk to look as if he were reading.

The door opened to reveal an odd sighting.

Two of his older brothers.
Side by side and staring directly at Tommy.

Wilbur and Techno, though Techno has a much more fancier name than just Techno.
So does Tommy and Wilbur.

"What are yous doing hither?"
Tommy asks, trying to act annoyed.

"Father wants us to hie with him"
Techno says firstly, stepping into his bedroom.
Wilbur followed, giving a small smile to Tommy.

"To where?"
Tommy questions, intrigued that his own father will personally bring the three altogether somewhere different.

"Where the prince lays 'i bed, being some few child and letting his servants doth all the work."
Wilbur responds cheekily, insulting the Prince quite accurately.
Tommy quietly laughed whilst Techno shoved him quite roughly.

Tommy asks again, standing from his desk and taking a nearby coat with surprise.

"Our father is the princes advisor and a mite related to him."
Wilbur explains briefly, slightly annoyed when Techno glared at him.

"Let's hie,"
Tommy says swiftly, cutting through his older brothers and running down the steps.

Hopefully to make an interesting encounter with the Prince himself of Verona.


"What are thou young boys doing hither near the princes castle?"
A nearby guard questioned them, clearly unaware of what their ranking is.

"Might not be a new one.."
Tommy whispers to Wilbur who nodded in agreement.

"Doth thou wot our ranking 'i this hierarchy?"
Wilbur questions the guard, trying to intimidate him first.
Techno stood by him side, arms crossed and looking quite upset.

Tommy stood behind the two, glaring at the man.
It was quite pathetic but it somewhat frightened the guard ever so slightly.

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