Accidental Recruitment

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Knight AU

Wilburs POV (3rd person)

"And you're suggesting..?"
Wilbur asks, wanting to know more information.

The royal castle is where they are.

Wilbur, being a knight yet preferred occupation on being a bard, is now meeting up with the general, Technoblade.

"We need a royal guard, a new one."
Techno explains, Wilbur scrunching up his face with disgust.

"You think we aren't good enough?!"

"No. What I'm saying is, we need someone that's..undercover.."
Techno says, walking through the barren halls of the castle.

Wilbur repeats, confused on whats Technos suggestion.

"Some one to protect the king in undercover.. like a jester who's always beside him, and when the enemy thinks they have the advantage, the jester being skilled and all can protect the king and shocking the rest of the enemies."
Techno explains, now leaving the castle.

Wilbur continued to follow, slightly understanding what the plan is.

Utterly stupid. But somehow he feels like itll work.
"But you're so clingy towards the king! It's almost as if you too were father and son-"

"Don't. Even."
Techno threatens, Wilbur laughing.

"Why not look around the village? Perhaps we may see some potential in some villagers.."
Wilbur perks up, Techno nodding with that idea.

"Yes, I'm sure those peasants will have at least a hint of talent-"

"Techno! Where did all the knight honour go?!"
Wilbur exclaims, knowing Techno had broken the code.

"Aren't you suppose to call the poor-?"

"Stop. Stop, it's getting worse. Let me do the talking to them."
Wilbur interrupts, stomping ahead of Techno to make their way to the village.




"No one seemed to have.."
Wilbur sighs, now back in the royal castle.

"We searched the whole town, and nothing had a spark..within them.."
Techno continues, groaning in annoyance.

The duo spent half of the day talking to villagers, asking if they had experience with the sword.

Some did, but they were fucking terrible at it.

The two asked if they had talents.

The main four were:


Creating drinks, a bartender,

Bards, music

And horse taming.

The villagers were all so nice, but they didn't fit the criteria. And Wilbur was guilty as fuck.

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