Late nights

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️


(Play music for added effect!)


No one's POV

It was a late night for the Sleepy Bois.

And a peaceful one too in fact.

Most of them all sat in the Sitting room,
Techno scrolling through his phone,
Phil tapping away on his computer,
And Wilbur strumming away with his guitar.

They all pondered if Tommy is asleep.

Tommy hadn't slept for a whole day or more, and they all mutually agreed to force the boy to sleep.

Wilbur figured out a chord he really liked and repeatedly played it, that was until they heard the footsteps coming down the stairs.

Seems as if the gremlin is still not asleep.

The door opened and Tommy appeared wearing his onesie based on a raccoon. Wilbur personally chose this himself.

Phil glanced at the blonde, slightly frowning that Tommy isn't asleep.

"In my defense, you all aren't sleeping and I shouldn't either!"
Tommy huffed at them, standing at the door frame with his arms crossed.

Wilbur looked up from his guitar.
"Tommy it's 11 pm, besides we'll go upstairs-"

"That's always what you say! We'll go upstairs and all that shit then boom, you come up here at like.. 2 am!"
Tommy grumbled.

The three shared a look, and all nodded.

"Seems like the little baby of the family didn't get his bedtime story or poem."
Techno said, sighing and closing his laptop.

"I am not a fucking child you b-"

"And his little bedtime song! Awwww is that why you aren't asleep?"
Wilbur cooed at Tommy, picking up his guitar whilst Techno made his way to leave the room.

"What the fuck-?!"

"Follow us, Tommy."
Techno said, already halfway up the stairs.

Wilbur left the kitchen, it was only Phil and Tommy.
"Phil? What are they-?"

"Trust me mate, they won't harm you."
Phil reassured.


"If they did harm you, I would have my belt."
Tommy didn't know if he should take this as a joke or seriously.

Tommy hesitantly turned around to leave, saying goodnight to Phil.
He climbed up the stairs to his room where Techno and Wilbur were already are.

Techno was looking around Tommy's room whilst Wilbur was spinning around Tommy's chair in pure joy.

Tommy made his way to his bed and laid down, tucking himself in the blanket.
He thought if he pretended to sleep, maybe they would leave him alone.

"Right Techno! It's the time!"
Wilbur said happily, Tommy worried for his sanity.

"..and action."

(Play song now!)

Wilbur began to play his guitar, softly.

Tommy huffed at his action, though however was slightly pleased.

"This one is called Bedtime Wishes."
Techno started, sitting down on Tommy's bed.

"When I go to sleep at night"
Techno began, watching Tommy listen closely.

"Bathed in stars and palest light,
I know an angel who guards my room,
You might know him as the moon."
Techno gazed outside Tommy's window whilst saying this, a little cliche but somewhat comforting.

Tommy properly laid down, hugging his pillow.

Wilbur smiled at that paragraph, and the sight he is witnessing, continuing to play his guitar.

"Without fail, as sun does set,
My dreams and I are gently met,
To be looked over all the way,
Until we meet each bright new day."

Techno finished, realizing that Tommy was asleep.
Wilbur continued to play his guitar, spinning around the chair.

"I'm surprised that worked Techno."
Wilbur whispered smirking, Techno rolled his eyes. Wilbur dared to underestimate his power?

"I have my way with words."

"You're such a softie."
Wilbur teased.

They all stayed like this, Tommy asleep, Wilbur playing his guitar, and Techno listening in.

A peaceful night for the Sleepy Bois,

And a perfect one.

Poem done by Ms.Moem
Titled Bedtime Wishes
(Searched on google!)

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