Other types of Love (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️



High School AU

No ones POV (3rd person)

Wilbur and Techno both walked to the main area, the cafeteria.

"Don't be ridiculous, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity only."
Techno turns to Wilbur who nodded with slight confusion to his sentence.

"Once in..a lifetime..?"
Wilbur repeats strangely, Techno rolling his eyes and already explaining his order to the person behind the counter.
His and Wilburs orders to be exact.

"Me. And you, eating together in the cafeteria."
Techno replies, taking both their foods and walking to a random table.

In the middle of the cafeteria.

"Ok whatever, but can we not sit here?"
Wilbur glances around the room to find students glaring at Wilbur.
The brunette quickly turned to Techno who whipped out a book.


Wilbur groans and eyes the people around them to try give Techno a hint.
Thankfully, he understood.

"Oh them? They won't come near us."
Techno tries to reassure, taking a bite out of his chosen food.
However, Wilbur stayed nervous and didn't even touch his tray.

That was, until another group walked in.

'Wilburs Valentine.'

'She has gorgeous wavy ginger hair. Forest green eyes, wait is the wind helping her blow the hair or something? No, wind can't be in a cafeteria. Wait! She's waving at me! She's waving at me? She's waving at me. SHES FUCKING WAVING AT ME WHAT WILL I DO HI HELLO BRAIN RESPOND-'

Techno spoke aloud, interrupting Wilburs train of thought.

Wilbur said, quickly waving at the girl a little too happily, in which, she only giggled and went back to conversing with her friends.

"Don't tell me.."
Techno shuts closed his book he was previously reading, staring at Wilbur who was continuing to stare at the supposed girl.

"You. Are...so dead."
Techno sighs, not even surprised when Wilbur wasn't properly listen at this point.

Annoyed, Techno slapped his shoulder, Wilbur gasping at the sudden impact and snapping his head to Technos direction.
"Finally got your attention."

"Everyone is going to think you're bullying me."
Wilbur huffs, realising he didn't eat and immediately bit into his sandwich.

"Yeah? Well everyone is going to know you have a..an interest in her."
Techno glances at the girl who sat down near enough to them, making Wilbur nearly choke on his food.


"Sally..don't know her last name and don't care."
Techno waves a hand in dismissal, taking another bit from his food after nearly laughing aloud to Wilburs reaction.

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