The Twitch Kids (1)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Band Au

No one's POV

Phil walked out of Burger King, happily eating his whopper.
Jack manifold was the one to recommend this place, and in Phils' opinion,  it's pretty good.

Phil got into his car and drove home. He has promised the boys that he'll also get them a whopper, but they strangely said for Phil to get them unreliable sources.

Wilbur asked for a fish, Techno asked for a bag of potatoes and finally, Tommy asked for a gun. However, Phil will stick to getting a nerf gun.

Though a certain thought came into his mind, what the fuck are they planning with all that stuff?


"From the top!"
Wilbur called to everyone. The group could only smile mischievously at the phrase.

"Make it drop-!"
Tubbo shouted out making everyone giggle, even Wilbur.

"Now that's some WA-"
Ranboo shouted but was cut off by the dying wheeze of Tommy and Tubbo together.

Right now, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, and surprisingly Techno have gathered in the SBI's garage.
Cliche but that's the only spot to fit all their instruments.

Their instruments/roles are:

Ranboo - Drums
(played it when he was younger, slightly rusty)

Tubbo - Backing vocals
(doesn't like to sing fully but likes to support those who are singing)

Techno - Bass guitar
(he wanted the violin but realized this is a rock band so he took on the guitar)

Wilbur - Electric Guitar
(turns out he's hella good at it)

Tommy - vocals
(everyone knew Tommy had potential, even Wilbur who was about to be the vocalist instead)

This gang had been meaning to start a band, or even have fun just playing around.

It started with Ranboo and Tommy oddly enough.
They were on a call discussing random things and Tommy brought up music.
It started as a joke, turned into an idea then become an actual thing.

Ranboo and Tommy first asked Tubbo, purely because they're all close friends.

Then they asked Wilbur because Tommy has seen Wil play on the guitar sometimes.

And funnily enough, Techno wanted to join the band.
Nobody asked him, but Techno wanted to join. Maybe as a pastime, maybe because he was bored or felt left out, or just because he likes music.

And when it came up to their band name, it was Tommy who had the idea.
The Twitch kids.

They got the name purely because all of them think it suited for some reason.

That's the story about how this was formed, however they had just a tiny, tiny problem.

They didn't tell Phil.

They all mutually agreed to not tell Phil, or anybody to be honest.

It's not that they expected Phil to be upset or disappointed, they knew Phil would be disappointed. So it's for the best, though they can't play that loud that's the only downfall.

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