Philzas Guide to being a good father (1)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, mentions manipulation/abuse


If any one of these hit home with you at the first rules on what parents should not do, I am so sorry for what you put up with, I am so proud of you and I love you ok?
You are amazing <3

A guide to being a good father, (in my opinion!)
Philza Minecraft.


A father is difficult, especially when you're an only parent. And it gets even more challenging when you have to take care of 3 children.

There are many rules, but some tend to bend it with their will.

Children, especially younger ones follow older ones easily.
A bad influence can affect that child.
A good influence can affect that child as well.

Your mood all falls to what that child will grow up to be.

If you are a parent, NEVER do these things as followed:

1. Setting high standards towards that/your child.

If you set high standards, that child will be pressured to accomplish that.
They will be a high-achiever.
They will never get a break, they will continue working, wasting away their sanity.
Soon after, may be becoming a people pleaser.

2. Breaking boundaries that go against that/your child.

If you break a boundary your child had set up, an example would be going into their room without permission.
They would think their opinion does not matter, they would grow thinking they don't matter.

3. Make decisions that is "for the best" for that/your child.

Making decisions for that/your child will make them highly reliant towards other people. This will affect their future as they don't know how to pick/or decide when they were younger as the parent or older one did it for them.

4. Manipulating that/your child, emotionally.

Playing with that/your child's feelings is fucking disgusting and disappointing. The child will feel helpless at your presence, if you say along the lines of:
"After everything I've done for you.."
"It was all for you.."
That is guilt tripping them. Change, for the better of them.

5. Never apologising to that/your child.

Never apologising to that/your child will make them grow to thinking everything is their fault since you never apologised and blamed it on them for everything.
They will grow up thinking every small thing is their fault, becoming over apologetic and so forth.

6. Hitting that/your child.

If you hit that/your child.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
That child will grow up being afraid of people, thinking that they will hit them if they do something wrong.
(Go to therapy if you do this, no jail.)

7. Doing anything illegal in front of that/your child.

If you do something illegal in front of any child, let's say smoking in front of them.
Their lungs will be damaged at an early age, leading on to them possibly dying at an early age.
Or even worse, them doing it.

8. Neglecting that/your child

If you neglect your child, they would think they can do whatever they can without punishment.
This could also lead to depression since you aren't there when they needed you the most, also leading to them being secretive.
This is terrible due to you not supervising them etc.

If you are a parent and do any of these things, what in your god damn mind made you think this way.
But if your parents influenced this on you, then change. Change for your future generations.

Now let's move on to the positive sides.

AKA what you should DO when you're a parent:

1. Listen to that/your child.

Listening to what that/your child has to say can grow a strong bond between you two.
You can teach them what to tell and what not to tell around strangers.
As a bonus, they would grow the confidence when talking!

2. Respect that/your child's decisions and opinions.

A child is a child.
They may not know the world but we all have many views about the world, including us adults.
Respecting that/your child's decisions and opinions will make them feel valid which is very positive.

3. Praise that/your child.

Praising is a huge factor we all love. Especially children.
Praising and being happy to your child for them accomplishing something will make them realise that they are good at something, enjoy it or overall know that you support them.

4. Being there for that/your child.

Accompanying that/your child will help them open up more.
They will acknowledge that you support them and that you're there for them no matter what. This will lead to them being more happier around people (?).

5. Love that/your child.

Love can impact something so small.
Support, guidance and listening is all that child needs to grow.

And sometimes, we have to accept they may not become what we thought they would've, but they're happy.

Now reading this, I pray that you would've acknowledged your wrong doings. Or what you're doing right.

Thank you parents, for giving that new person a life to have fun with.

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