What is Winter for You?

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Hybrid AU

Tommy's POV (3rd Person)

A gentle breeze was in the air of their world. A soft layer of white spread across miles of land, the once tweeting birds now migrated, the once forest animals previously wandering around, now in hiding.


A season of Peace Phil describes.

A season of Death Techno says.

A season of Solitude as Wilbur puts it.

For Tommy, this will be his first time experiencing such an experience.


Tommy gazed out the window with awe, watching white particles fall slowly onto their garden.

Tommy pointed at one, and the other and continuously counted the infinite amount of falling snow.
He eventually got bored when realising that his voice could disappear with the continuous counting, and with that in mind he wanted a drink.

Tommy skipped his way to the kitchen, and saw Techno, Wilbur and Phil having a conversation, sipping some sort or drink.
"What's that?"

Tommy entered the kitchen, pointing at the mug Phil was holding. The drink interested Tommy because of how it was steaming.

Phil raised his mug slightly for Tommy to properly see, the young boy nodded vigorously at the sight, making Techno, Wilbur and Phil smile.

"It's called hot chocolate you weirdo."
Techno responds, drinking his own batch of hot chocolate happily.

Tommy repeated curiously, already sitting on the kitchen chair to take a closer look. His raccoon ears perked at the word of chocolate however, already wanting a taste.

Phil nodded patiently, placing down his finished mug and standing up.

Wilbur followed his actions, only adding more marshmallows to his own cup.

Tommy turned to Wilbur who nearly spilt his own drink.
The brunette angrily glared at Tommy who was still trying to take his mug.

"No! Fuck off!"
Wilbur spat, standing and running away from the little raccoon that chased him down eagerly.

"Wilbur! Language-"

"You're sounding like Mr.Halo now."
Techno sarcastically commented, however sinking into his chair when Phil gave an immediate deadly stare at him.

"Dadza! Wil isn't giving me his drink.."
Tommy whined, sadly watching Wilbur hide behind Techno and quickly chugging down his hot chocolate.

The brunette glanced sadly at his finished mug, looking up to Techno who shrugged at him, not knowing what to do next.

"Wait now Tommy, I'm making one right now."
Phil urged, Tommy happily taking is place in the kitchen table.

"Can we have some as well?"
Techno asks, sitting beside Tommy who stuck his tongue out at him playfully. Wilbur sighs and sadly sat down as well, still glaring at the raccoon hybrid.

"Of course, why not play outside for a few minutes then?"
Philza suggests, making the blonde jump in his seat ecstatically. Tommy turned to his brothers who only frowned at the suggestion.

"Why play outside? It's so cold.."
Wilbur complained, glancing outside the window that still continued to snow without fault.
Tommy sat back down on his seat with frustration, ignoring his brothers continue to whine about the weather outside.

"Stay in the sitting room then, Techno why not start the fire for the fireplace? Wilbur can try help you. Then I'll bring in the hot chocolate."
Phil says, the water now boiled as he started to pour it into the four mugs.

Tommy stood away from his seat happily, watching the man with awe as he stared to add marshmallows into it.

"I don't need their help.."
Techno starts, Wilbur already making his way to the sitting triumphantly to try prove his brother wrong on needing 'help'.
With reluctance, Techno marched his way over to the sitting room, leaving Tommy and Phil alone.

"So how are you liking Winter so far?"
Phil asks gently, watching the raccoon hybrids ears twitch at the word 'winter'. Tommy looked at Phil with curiosity, then at the drinks.

"Hot chocolate."
Was his only wording, trying to reach for the mug miserably. Phil only smiled at his actions and 'tutted' at him.

"Not yet, I didn't add my special ingredient."
Tommy's eyes widen at that sentence, nodding wordlessly as Phil reached to get something in the cupboard high above.
Phil was then holding some kind of liquid.

He gently added at least a drop of it into the drinks, then placing the four on small plates.

"What's the special ingredient?"
Tommy asks, sniffing one of the mugs suspiciously.

"It's a secret."
Phil replies, laughing when Tommy's tail and ears flicked with urgency.

"But seriously Tom, how are you liking winter so far?"
Phil repeats his previous question, handing Tommy his own drink with the plate. Tommy only took a small sip of it and he was in delight already.

"Winter for me?"
Tommy quietly asks, staring down at his drink then at Phils eyes.

"Yes, what is Winter for You?"
Phil asks patiently again, hearing Wilbur and Technos muffled shouts from the sitting room.
Tommy turned to the noise, and took another sip from his drink.

"..winter is..season of warmth.."
Tommy says, watching the hot drink swirl around in his mug.
Phil blinked at the raccoon hybrid and suppressed a laugh.

"Season of Warmth?"
Phil repeats, taking Techno and Wilburs mugs and placing them on a tray.

Tommy nodded and followed his father.
"..warmth..warm drink..warm home.."

Tommy drifts away from his sentence, pausing and giving a childish smile to Phil.
"Warm and happy family."

Phils mouth hang open with shock, for a child he had said something somewhat that philosophical.
The raccoon hybrid stood unknown to Phils heart practically pounding in his chest.

"Toms..yes. Yes, winter can be the season of Warmth."
Phil shook his head, not wanting to spoil the younger boy.

Tommy only giggled childishly with pride and ran down the hallway to see his brothers.
Phil only lagged behind to ponder about what Tommy had said.

Then in conclusion,
Winter can be a season of




And Warmth.

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