Ripping open a heart (1)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Swearing, implied violence


High School AU

No ones POV (3rd person)


The noise scared the younger blonde whom was mindlessly scribbling over his art with a crayon.

He heard the noise again and hid behind the sofa in their sitting room, peeking every so often to check if the 'monster' would storm inside.

And the 'monster' did arrive.

He saw the familiar brown, curly hair storm inside the sitting room, throwing his backpack god knows where.

The taller one noticed the other hiding away in the corner, and with a sigh, picked up his backpack wherever it was.

"Hi Toms."
The teen, otherwise known as Wilbur, greeted upsettingly, now exiting the room and slamming the door shut.

The blonde could only sit where he was, wondering what on earth troubled the young teenager.


"And Techno the thing was, I put all that effort into it and to get fucking..!"
Wilbur ranted on, pacing around Technos room aimlessly as the pink-haired teen nodded absentmindedly.

"Are you even listening to me?!"
Wilbur half shouts at Techno whom seemed to be already used to this.

Techno spun around in his chair, unaware of the glares Wilbur is giving him.

"Then what did I say?!"

"You said you worked on this poem only to get ripped by your friend that thought that was shit. It was ripped today in the afternoon at the basketball court because your buddy does sports activities. As well, you said that Valentines say is tomorrow, so you can't confess anymore."
Techno says briefly, halting in his spinning of the chair when he noticed the small tears spew out of Wilburs eyes.

Without a word, Wilbur jumped onto Technos bed without hesitation, grabbing a nearby pillow and burying his face in it.

Slightly irritated, Techno remained seated but allowed Wilbur to cry in his pillow.

"..why are you even friends with that guy?"
Techno asks, giving a worried glance to Wilbur who shook his head.

"Because he's a good friend. And I'm not like you who can survive without people."

"Good friends don't rip up their own friends hard work..Mind you I have people I can rely on."
He huffs, however side-eyeing Wilbur who seemed to be slightly better than before.

With a sigh, Techno stood up from his seat and sat beside Wilbur silently.
It's these moments that they understand each other more.

"What are you going to do now?"
Techno asks quietly after a short silence. Wilbur remained quiet and thought for a while.

"Probably just sing a love song to the person I was supposed to give the poem to."
He grumbles into the pillow, it made Techno frown.

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